Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Town built to fight the Yanks...

How could one not be inspired to like a city like this. My understanding is that Ottawa was created as a result of the decision of the British to build a canal to be able to link their troops to the defence of the colony from the yanks who were eying off Canada for themselves. The canal links the Ottawa river to lake Ontario. Ottawa was a township that sprung up as a result of the construction.

It wasn't the capital until later when it was decided that Montreal was too close to the US border. They were highly suspicious that they were still pissed about them burning down the White House. Maybe this is the root of the deep down jealousy of Americans with the Canadians. They're still pissed they lost a war against them.

Anyway Ottawa is the centre of government. While it is still in Ontario it couldn't get closer to Quebec. Heck there is a city on the other side of the river which is considered Hull / Gatineau, and that is Quebec. I even stayed with a couch-surfer on that side for a night.

The city is charming in many senses. Visually nice and clean, full of architects visions of grandeur. After all this is the capital. Couldn't have anything less.

Of course with the French influence into the British Commonwealth Heritage makes for a great unique combination. On the front lawn of Parliament house they hold a changing of the guard ceremony complete with brass and pipe band, full of guys with the funny hats. A funny hat parade. Sweet. Gees it was an absolute riot. Troops line up, then pitter-patter across to spread the line.... Then Big guy with big hat, followed by smaller guy with big hat inspect the troops. Oh and there is no doubt they have no issues with gays in the military. I'm sure that part of this display included the 2 suspect big hats checking their troops butts. It looked suspect to say the least. Anyway after switching over the troops this parade finishes to allow the tourists to continue upon their daily routine of inspecting the museums.

The other highlight of the time in Ottawa was the display onto the Parliament building. At night during the summer they project a video display onto the parliament building. It was brilliant. Of course it's a rah-rah 'this is Canada' video. But wow what a show. And to think this is onto the parliament building. Most important legislative building in the country. Really makes for an enjoyable evening.

Night 2 in the capital was interesting. My arrangement with my couchsurfing host ended unexpectedly due to her 2nd job commitments. I hadn't expected this to occur in the least. So it left me concerned I was homeless at 5pm without hope of a hostel bed at late notice. But luckily it was only Tuesday night, and Ottawa. It worked out well in the end. The hostel was a great experience in itself. the hostel is set in the old jail.

Oh and to the animal liberationists who read my blog. You've just gotta try the Beaver Tails here in Ottawa. A local delicacy. Tastes nothing like chicken. Tastes like pastry and Cinnamon sugar.

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