Saturday, August 11, 2007

It Never Rains In Southern California

The song title persists. It didn't rain.

Well what a excellent weekend and a bit it was there. I experienced the Sand in San Diego. Staying right on the beach. As in I'm concerned I have sand on my laptop when I type now.

Had 4 nights in San Diego. Which consisted of, going to beach, going to beach, avoiding beach because of sunburn, and a day visit to Tijuana.

Originally I was thinking about visiting San Diego Zoo, and traveling around a bit more, but didn't get around to it.

Just like when I put cheese toast in an oven I overcooked it. Ended up a little too crispy on one side. Ah but oh well I enjoyed myself there. How could you not. It had been a while since seeing a white sandy beach.

Oh and if anyone is wondering where all the Irish go for holidays, I found them. Here in San Diego. Whereas London, Vancouver, and Dublin is filled with Aussies. Here it's all Ireland. Seriously the other night I went out and felt like the interpreter. It was me and 10 other Irish. The Irish obviously come to San Diego to sun worship. Can't blame them though. I can definitely confirm there are worse places to be for sure.

Of course a trip to San Diego would not have been complete without a day trip in Tijuana Mexico. So now I've been to Mexico even if Mexico has no record of it, and nor does my passport. They is basically nothing in terms of visa processing into Mexico. Its a randomised random search. As in some immigration official sits at a desk and ask random people passing by to press a button. If you get green you're through. If not he'll conduct a search. Bringing lazy to a whole new level really.

Tijuana was good. Had a few cheap Mexican beers in Mexico, and the obligatory tequila. But passed on the purchase of cheap tacky gifts from the market stalls. Not that the trip into Tijuana didn't come with its own uniqueness. Basically I went into Tijuana with one of the staff from the hostel and 2 frenchies. She offered to guide to guide us there as she needed to visit her dentist. I wasn't aware until I got there but it seems Mexico is huge in dentistry tourism market. Anyway in the evening I was the Aussie tourist having to guide the drugged up English girl back through US customs with her quota of cheap pharmaceuticals, another of Tijuana's greatly appreciated items.

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