Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back to San Francisco

I've been to San Fran before. This time though I wanted to stop in and visit some friends. Well technically they're friends of Steve, but well I seem to travel more, and hence have seen them in USA 3 times now. Plus I loved San Fran the 1st time. In retrospect I'd go there again too.

Anyway I had only the one full day in San Francisco arriving in the evening after a seemingly long bus ride. Not enough to complete some concepts like the Napa Valley or Redwood forest outside of San Francisco. But enough time to visit another uniquely San Francisco neighbourhood, The Haight. The region is known for its hippies, and alternative people. I don't exactly fit in when it comes to fashion etc, but is good to see. It also gave me some time to really walk off some of the energy built from the previous day of bus sitting. Gotta love those hills. Of course in the afternoon I took the time to also pass through the Chinatown there.

We also went out to dinner in the evening. Which was a nice change for me (ie. dining with friends again). It was a touch of normalcy in the life of a attempted backpacker still getting used to living cheaper.

I refuse still to call 2 minute noodles a meal. If I find myself changing on this issue I know its time to return to work ASAP.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Talk about a confusing itinerary Chad - departing from Vancouver then travelling North from San Diego to San Francisco. What's your strategy - shortest route, cheapest route or fastest route? Are you just making it up one leg at a time or do you have a goal place and time in mind?
