Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What... more French

Ah backtracking. It had to be done in this case. Quebec City was as far east as my bus pass would allow me. It seems that Greyhound doesn't service any further. Their map says they do through an affiliate, but their bus pass doesn't. I guess if Quebec wants a reason to succeed from Canada they need only look to this as a valid reason. Think of that for a campaign slogan for the separatists. 'We should separate because Greyhound doesn't want to drive there.'

Mind you what happens with Prince Edward Island, and the Newfie's if that to occur. Would they go with Quebec? Canada I suspect would tell them to keep the Newfie's. At first Quebec would relish the opportunity to change the road signs to French, but then as time went on they would just get annoyed 'as the french do in their own way' with there not being anything but cold weather. And well Anne of Green Gables on PEI. Gone, that'd have to be St Anne of Le Bleu Gables, or thereabouts. Name is currently too English.

Anyway where was I. On the way backward to Montreal. Previously I only stopped momentarily in Montreal. enough time to buy an overpriced bus stop quality sandwich, and back on board a bus. Montreal is French no doubt about it, just not as French as Quebec City. Only issue is that the bits of French they lost were some of bits I like, big bowls of coffee. Although, there were less French tourist. That's a positive.

Montreal's historical sights don't seem as quaint as Quebec. Sure there's the regulation churches on nearly every third block. But everyone has a limit to how many churches they can see and enjoy. They're big on public art in Montreal. Apparently 1% of all new constructions etc must include this piece of art. What is art really is subjective. But really I'm an accountant so not nearly the qualified person to criticise.

Highlight of the touring was a bike tour of the city organised by the hostel. Yeah, again using the pent up energy. By the end of the day I believe we had covered much of the city crossing the islands, riding on the Formula 1 track, and the touristy markets. Just to top it off though two of us took the opportunity to keep riding after. Took the bikes up the small hill at the back of Montreal for a different view of the skyline. Luckily the designers of the track made the slope easy. Still it did though mean prolonging the uphill battle. Must say I really enjoyed that downhill.

Meanwhile survey results are in. I prefer the poutine on the west coast more than the east coast. Poutine is supposed to be a Quebec-istan thing. All I can say is that the Albertan's made it edible. When they make it with the real cheese curd, yuck, it's horrendous.

Anyway I now find myself on a bus back into Usa. Border guards still don't like me. Apparently I've traveled too much. But I've still got like 8 pages in the passport to fill. They still let me in. Yeay!

So for the moment I've left Canada again. No more crepes, and poutine back to Hamburger and fries land. First stop in USA... hmmm. I'll leave you guessing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vous parle en anglais - Do you speak English

The Quebeci-stanians are alive and strong plotting their next departure attempt from the Canada. If they had their way France would never have signed away Quebec to the English.

They are fiercely French, and well my french is fiercely non-existent. It was though to me, more french than France. Why?

I never did do the bowl of Coffee in Paris. I did in Quebec City.

There were all the French tourist here. After all Montreal, Quebec nearby is the 2nd biggest french speaking city in the world. Where would a like minded french person like to travel overseas. To another French speaking country of course. And having experienced the number of non french tourist in Paris before I think I found where the French hide during the summer.

Anyway Quebec City was probably the most picturesque city so far on this trip. I loved it. And partly because they speak french.

Anyway I've gotta run. I'll post more when I have time again.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Town built to fight the Yanks...

How could one not be inspired to like a city like this. My understanding is that Ottawa was created as a result of the decision of the British to build a canal to be able to link their troops to the defence of the colony from the yanks who were eying off Canada for themselves. The canal links the Ottawa river to lake Ontario. Ottawa was a township that sprung up as a result of the construction.

It wasn't the capital until later when it was decided that Montreal was too close to the US border. They were highly suspicious that they were still pissed about them burning down the White House. Maybe this is the root of the deep down jealousy of Americans with the Canadians. They're still pissed they lost a war against them.

Anyway Ottawa is the centre of government. While it is still in Ontario it couldn't get closer to Quebec. Heck there is a city on the other side of the river which is considered Hull / Gatineau, and that is Quebec. I even stayed with a couch-surfer on that side for a night.

The city is charming in many senses. Visually nice and clean, full of architects visions of grandeur. After all this is the capital. Couldn't have anything less.

Of course with the French influence into the British Commonwealth Heritage makes for a great unique combination. On the front lawn of Parliament house they hold a changing of the guard ceremony complete with brass and pipe band, full of guys with the funny hats. A funny hat parade. Sweet. Gees it was an absolute riot. Troops line up, then pitter-patter across to spread the line.... Then Big guy with big hat, followed by smaller guy with big hat inspect the troops. Oh and there is no doubt they have no issues with gays in the military. I'm sure that part of this display included the 2 suspect big hats checking their troops butts. It looked suspect to say the least. Anyway after switching over the troops this parade finishes to allow the tourists to continue upon their daily routine of inspecting the museums.

The other highlight of the time in Ottawa was the display onto the Parliament building. At night during the summer they project a video display onto the parliament building. It was brilliant. Of course it's a rah-rah 'this is Canada' video. But wow what a show. And to think this is onto the parliament building. Most important legislative building in the country. Really makes for an enjoyable evening.

Night 2 in the capital was interesting. My arrangement with my couchsurfing host ended unexpectedly due to her 2nd job commitments. I hadn't expected this to occur in the least. So it left me concerned I was homeless at 5pm without hope of a hostel bed at late notice. But luckily it was only Tuesday night, and Ottawa. It worked out well in the end. The hostel was a great experience in itself. the hostel is set in the old jail.

Oh and to the animal liberationists who read my blog. You've just gotta try the Beaver Tails here in Ottawa. A local delicacy. Tastes nothing like chicken. Tastes like pastry and Cinnamon sugar.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Welland... truth in advertising

When you're on a bus going to somewhere new you notice things when entering a new town. With this said what did I notice when entering into Welland? Even the 99 cent store had closed down. Welland must not be doing as 'Well' as the name suggest. The other thing I noticed about Welland was the fact the city municipal bean counters were using a very liberal interpretation of the town boundaries to beef up the numbers. We may have past a sign 2kms back saying the 'Welcome to Welland. Population 38,000' but we were still in the scrub. All we passed was hay bails. I hope they weren't counting them too.

Welland. Yes I was here to visit family. Why else would I risk offending country Canadian people hanging around them in their natural environment.

Welland would classify as Canadian rust belt. There seems to be a bit of activity left in the town's steel mills, but not much compared to it's hey day. As my cousin Andrew puts it. Welland is number 1 in teenage pregnancy. And he'd know. No, not because it's him. Because he's a pharmacist. Andrew and Suzanne are doing fine. Enjoying the outrageous lifestyle that is Welland.

Of course a visit to Welland would not be complete without a visit to the local area. They have this lake area nearby, oh, and some big falls, just down the road 1/2 an hour at Niagara.

Anyway the main thing is I enjoyed the stop in visiting the family, and re-visiting the falls area. And yes Niagara Falls 'the town area' still wins in the competition to be the most tacky tourist street experience I've ever encountered. Yet I'm told the Buffalo side is worse. And gee I don't think I'll have time for visiting Buffalo. Damn shame that.

And Mother & Auntie Deb, you'll be pleased to hear Andrew and Suzanne took good care of me. And so did Andrew's boss. Andrew made sure I got my iron content up by visiting a steak restaurant, and his boss gave us a good excuse to visit Boston Pizza the next night.

I had some time to ride around Welland, relax and reload. In fact I've left some stuff there to lighten the load. I'll pass back through there at some point when I try for Chicago.

Anyway here are a few shots of the falls, and Welland's Canal. Thankfully the weather around the falls on the day we visited. Much better than my first trip overseas. Oh and best way to earn a dollar. Open a car park in Nigara Falls. They don't miss ya. $10 flat fee. I knew it wouldn't be cheap, but we got hosed. And it wasn't the falls.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

T.O. The first stop on the eastside.

Toronto, Ontario.

This is the main game. The big city of Canada. The only one with an NBA Team.... whoops its not NBA season....

Anyway Toronto also marked the first time I would experiment with a different form of accommodation. Couchsurfing. What is couch surfing? It's a site where travelers register, and then offer their place for other travelers to stay. The premise behind this was threefold. One to save money on accommodation. Two, to meet other people. And three to stay outside of a hostel.

Anyway I stayed with a person in Toronto for 2 nights. I was originally planning 3 but my host could not accommodate, so oh well.

I had primarily one full day to explore Toronto. Which when you're me, on a mission, is not impossible. I had legs, a transit pass, and a plan of attack. By days end I had gone through the Chinatown, ridden the trams around town, walked around the St Lawrence markets, seen a few town parks, and the regular shopping areas. I did not though do the Sky Tower. I just couldn't justify spending the money on seeing a view of the skyline. Maybe its just me, but I've come to the conclusion they are often an overpriced attraction.

Below is a selection of photos from Toronto.

Calgary still doesn't endear me....

I flew to Calgary to pick up my international flight to Toronto. And well thanks to travel I also stopped in to catch up with a friend in Calgary for the night.

Mind you it did not come without pain. When I made it into Calgary I was desperate to get to my phone recharged with funds, and to see an internet terminal to find the new phone number of my friend.

When you're carrying luggage everywhere this is not as simple as it sounds. And well thanks the early flight time, and to difficult customs staff, I was also flustered. I don't do flustered well.

Anyway it took no time to recharge the phone, but to find an internet cafe.... argh!

The good news was that things worked out, and I was out of Calgary the next morning. Sorry Calgary residents but Calgary still gets the award for my least favourite big 'Canadian' city.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back to San Francisco

I've been to San Fran before. This time though I wanted to stop in and visit some friends. Well technically they're friends of Steve, but well I seem to travel more, and hence have seen them in USA 3 times now. Plus I loved San Fran the 1st time. In retrospect I'd go there again too.

Anyway I had only the one full day in San Francisco arriving in the evening after a seemingly long bus ride. Not enough to complete some concepts like the Napa Valley or Redwood forest outside of San Francisco. But enough time to visit another uniquely San Francisco neighbourhood, The Haight. The region is known for its hippies, and alternative people. I don't exactly fit in when it comes to fashion etc, but is good to see. It also gave me some time to really walk off some of the energy built from the previous day of bus sitting. Gotta love those hills. Of course in the afternoon I took the time to also pass through the Chinatown there.

We also went out to dinner in the evening. Which was a nice change for me (ie. dining with friends again). It was a touch of normalcy in the life of a attempted backpacker still getting used to living cheaper.

I refuse still to call 2 minute noodles a meal. If I find myself changing on this issue I know its time to return to work ASAP.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

But this is California... the most liberal state of the union

So where was I... oh yeah. At bus drivers love to talk to me.

Escaping Monteray I had what can only be described as an interesting ride. I get on the bus to goto Salinas for my connection and the driver hear my accent. Of course he goes 'love your accent, where are you from?'' Of course being friendly I just answer with the standard Australia. It was at this point it got shocking. His next words,'Oh, I love your Prime Minister John Howard.'

And he wasn't kidding. That took me about 2 seconds to realise he wasn't. And I also did answer with an inquisitive,' really, you can have him'. The result was for the next half hour I had the most uncomfortable conversation with an American I've ever had. You see I was stuck on a bus with a Far far far right ultra militaristic religous zealot who had decided not only to tell what he liked about John Howard, but also try to convince me that he was right on everything. I was stuck to. I was in nowhere California getting a bus ride dependent on this guy not getting pissed off with my disagreeing with him. Having 2 heavy suitcases made transferring to the back of the bus not an option. Plus after allowing initial conversation that could offended him further, and me walking the rest of the way without a map.

Basically the conversation started with why he loved little John. That being for supporting the Iraq War. No surprises there. Then he got into the ultra extreme after I mentioned that so many innocent Iraqis have died after he talked of US casualties. His view as I understand it is that he wants to rid the world of all Islamic people. Its us versus them. The only good Islamic person he says is a dead one. Well this set me off. I had been cringing through the talk of Howard, even squirming through some of the talk of right wing politics, but religious based genocide I can't accept. Infuriated I answered with 'so you agree with Hitler' in an attempt to counter his extreme-ism. Of course to him,' that was different'.

Anyway conversation went on further into killing of people. He is a big supporter of the use of land mines in Korea whereas I talked about Cambodia still suffering from them.

He talked about how where-ever America has sent troops 'they've made it better'. I countered with 'what about Africa, Central America, in fact most times the US goes anywhere.' Again these circumstances are 'different' it wasn't the Americans fault. They were already stuffed. Oh, and apparently providing arms to the side that became Al Quedia in Afganistan, well that too was an exclusion.

Anyway thankfully the ride came to an end. I got to the destination and away from the freak as soon as I could. More importantly I was still alive.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Monteray... or Monetary payment if you read between the lines

So here I am in Monteray, middle of California. Possibly sleepy beach city. Possibly a good stopover to catch some rest while seeing the sights.

Nope to the rest unless you have a car. Monteray is one of several cities in a little patch of prime tourist area. You see Monteray is near the 17 mile drive. What is this drive you may ask. Well it's the coastal drive to Carmel by the Sea.

So what! What's so good about this place. Why name a place with an elongated name which everyone can clearly see is "on the sea" even without it being in the name. Well most would be familiar with this area without even realising it. Every golfing nut, and PC Golf gamer thanks to the world of electronics.

You see this road has a few golf courses on the way. Call it what you will but I know it more for the US PGA at Pebble Beach. You know that picture perfect course right on the water. Sadly most of us are never going to get more than the PC version as the experience. This is an exclusive course and the road is but a private thoroughfare through the area.

Heck what else would the US do with pristine coastline, but build a golf course. It brings excitement to the local sea life having to dodge the white flying rocks.

Anyway I chose to do the drive by bike. A strange choice for all but the inspired. Anyway I found why the call it a drive. Cause it's long, and worth driving. No average American would ever consider riding it. Even if it did save the $9 dollar roadway fee. By the end of the ride not only did I hate hills (I pushed in protest), but I also hated flat land with wind. Also I hated the sign people cause they made me go up a steep incline and miss a photo, when they sent the 'bike route' away from the main coastal attractions.

I made it to Carmel in around 2 hours. I doubt I did the whole 17 Mile Drive. But hey, I had to return too. Carmel for those interested is nothing more than Art dealer, after Art Dealer. I guess they wanted something for the trophy wives to do while hubby plays golf.

Anyway after getting lost a bit I found my way back to Monteray to find another highlight. Seals. In fact not just normal seals, but seals with little seals too. Oh, how cute. I guess that explains the high prices for golf in the middle of nowhere.

The Joys of Getting to Monteray

Monteray was the next destination on the Tour-De-Chad route. In fact that wasn't a far off description considering what I did.

Of course getting to Monteray was nothing but pain. LA you may be aware love their cars. And well 2 hours to get to the inner city bus terminal was quite some pain. Oh well I expected pain and got it. Mind you I don't know what it is about Bus drivers in California but for this whole leg I was their entertainment. They all had to chat to the Aussie. The bus driver in LA though was cool.

Anyway the bus at LA going to Monteray as per Greyhound standards left late. Be it only 1/2 an hour. Thanks to traffic though this soon turned into an hour. By the time we were over half way he decided to make up time but cutting out our food stop from a good place, and changing it to Outer Mongolia at 8pm. Seriously we ended up stopping for food at a stop where the Greyhound office was no more than a ticket register in a country service station. Heck the station was a tin shed with farming Mexicans hanging around because the bus was the excitement of the evening. The food inside, well that had been there since 8am when Grandma Sanchez did a batch of Burritos. Of course I took too long to even come around to thinking they looked appetizing, so they were gone and I was left with a packet of chips and peanuts.

Of course this break put the bus back behind square one. 1 and a 1/2 hours late. Not an issue if I were going to San Francisco or another major centre. But I was hopping off in Salinas (yeah, its farming country California) and hoping to connect onto a bus going to Monteray. Panic set in as the revised schedule of 9:15pm was after dark, and well I was starting to remember the connecting buses didn't run all night. My email print off of the directions to the hostel were not detailed outside of catch bus number 1 to Monteray.

I didn't write down the connecting bus schedule. I had seen it on the net, and thought, as long as I get there before dark. So now I was on a bus in the middle of nowhere California, irritably hungry, and unable to confirm how I was getting to my hostel. Wireless Internet doesn't work in the middle of nowhere.

Of course by this stage I remembered issue number 3. Hostel reception closes at 10pm. Ah I was just building up issues like no tomorrow. Of course I didn't write the number down. I was supposed to be in Salinas by 7:15pm. My ticket told me this. Great, all I could think was that Salinas was probably going to be not much more than the food stop, filled with Hicksville California. Not a place to be trying to get a bus, or looking for last minute accommodation. So with this building I turned to back up plan. Text mother in Australia. Get her to check the internet for the connecting bus schedule, and hostel phone number. Everything would be fine and dandy after that.

That's when issue 4 came to a head. Low credit message on Canadian mobile phone comes onto screen. Argh! Not now. Not when I'm about to pillaged by farming Mexican peasants at Hicksville California bus station coming up. Any time but now. This new issue left no choice. Bring out the Aussie phone SIM. Pay exorbitant prices.

Okay texting back and forth a person in Australia, who rarely has their mobile on, (no offense Mother but adds to story and is the truth) is a risk. Mother thankfully was responding and able to help out. But not all news is good news. Bus 1 apparently stops at 7:45pm. Argh! But wait another bus stops in Monteray with other buses until 10pm. Good but bad. Created need to call hostel to advise of issue.

Hostel was well being itself. They were to close at 10pm but their phone answering indicate otherwise. After the 4th attempt I managed to get a real voice with the message give us a call just before 10pm if you're not here. Oh and being typically Californian the person answering didn't know about buses.

I made it into Hicksville Salinas at 9:15pm. Walked over to the bus terminal at caught a bus nearly straight away. Of course this bus driver loved my accent, and well I was again Mr Conversation for them. The bus ride to Monteray exchange seemed to take forever. Especially for a backpacker who had skipped on Salmonella Seasoned Burritos, concerned he was about to be locked out of the accommodation. I finally made it to the hostel at about 10:30pm. Once inside I was not getting out for anything. Couldn't risk it. Not even for food. But I was in Monteray. That was all that mattered.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Until the Sun Comes Over Santa Monica Bouvelvard

Los Angeles. Another city on the map of destinations which people have often said they love it, or it blows. Until this trip my experience with LA had been 3 passes through the LA customs at the airport. I just love that customs point, apparently.

In fact LA is one of those cities which knowing what was on offer, did not immediately attract me. Sure its got great weather, the beaches are ok, and there is major tourist draw with Hollywood, Beverley Hills, and Disney. But when it comes down to it, I didn't want to do a tour which passes by star homes, or former homes of the stars. I've seen some rich streets around the world, and its not like some of the most insanely decadent castles of Europe, or the insanely wealthy in Newport.

Hot movie actresses were unlikely to be swept off their feet at the sight of me. So why did I go? What was the attraction? I'm not sure. I guess I couldn't say much without first visiting.

First thing I have to get off my chest is the fact LA is totally messed up when it comes to transport. They love their car. They can give up the car. Their bus system is okay but for the fact there are cars clogging the traffic and no through freeway. It took over 2 hours to travel 1/2 an hour in a normal city. There are way too many roads, too many cars. And well I just can't see it all improving until someone comes along and yells 'do-over' to start again. If only LA had a better rail system, or trams. Just something to pry them away from the steering wheel and their love of their own backyard (Urban living, another forlorn concept). Until then LA is not a livable city.

What did I enjoy of LA? Santa Monica Beach and the walk to Venice Beach. I booked a hostel near the beach. Purposefully to escape from the rat race of the city. To provide an outlet to escape. And this area has provided just that. I can't say the beach is as good as San Diego, but heck San Diego has been a real highlight to visit. I took one day out to just walk from Santa Monica to Venice Beach, and back, then to just lay on the sand again now that the sunburn is wearing off. That was cool to do.

I met other travelers in the hostel and we made plans to explore LA by ourselves using buses. Considering the buses would cost us $5 for the day versus $62 for the full day tour covering stuff I thought useless (remembering previous day tour experiences) I thought this a good option. But alas that all screwed up. The others went out the night before until 5am.
Argh so instead I was left to do it myself as it was my last full day in LA and there was no tomorrow. Why is it that when you decide to leave your fate in others hands they only let you down?

Anyway I recovered that day to cover what I set out to achieve. I travelled to and walked Hollywood Boulevard, and Rodeo Drive. And no there is no expensive purchase from some swank shop on the way anywhere. Call me cheap if you wish, but I put it down to I didn't know what size or colour to get.

Funny occurrence for LA. I got off the bus going to Rodeo drive outside the Beverley Hills Police Department. And no I didn't have a banana on me to do no 'banana in the tailpipe' scene from Beverley Hills Cop. But I took a photo, and made use of the library next door to access the Internet.

It Never Rains In Southern California

The song title persists. It didn't rain.

Well what a excellent weekend and a bit it was there. I experienced the Sand in San Diego. Staying right on the beach. As in I'm concerned I have sand on my laptop when I type now.

Had 4 nights in San Diego. Which consisted of, going to beach, going to beach, avoiding beach because of sunburn, and a day visit to Tijuana.

Originally I was thinking about visiting San Diego Zoo, and traveling around a bit more, but didn't get around to it.

Just like when I put cheese toast in an oven I overcooked it. Ended up a little too crispy on one side. Ah but oh well I enjoyed myself there. How could you not. It had been a while since seeing a white sandy beach.

Oh and if anyone is wondering where all the Irish go for holidays, I found them. Here in San Diego. Whereas London, Vancouver, and Dublin is filled with Aussies. Here it's all Ireland. Seriously the other night I went out and felt like the interpreter. It was me and 10 other Irish. The Irish obviously come to San Diego to sun worship. Can't blame them though. I can definitely confirm there are worse places to be for sure.

Of course a trip to San Diego would not have been complete without a day trip in Tijuana Mexico. So now I've been to Mexico even if Mexico has no record of it, and nor does my passport. They is basically nothing in terms of visa processing into Mexico. Its a randomised random search. As in some immigration official sits at a desk and ask random people passing by to press a button. If you get green you're through. If not he'll conduct a search. Bringing lazy to a whole new level really.

Tijuana was good. Had a few cheap Mexican beers in Mexico, and the obligatory tequila. But passed on the purchase of cheap tacky gifts from the market stalls. Not that the trip into Tijuana didn't come with its own uniqueness. Basically I went into Tijuana with one of the staff from the hostel and 2 frenchies. She offered to guide to guide us there as she needed to visit her dentist. I wasn't aware until I got there but it seems Mexico is huge in dentistry tourism market. Anyway in the evening I was the Aussie tourist having to guide the drugged up English girl back through US customs with her quota of cheap pharmaceuticals, another of Tijuana's greatly appreciated items.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Arrivin' and then Leavin' Las Vegas

Vegas Baby! The tip of the iceberg when it comes to the excess of US society in lights, money, and glitz. It needs little introduction.

And then there was my assault on Vegas. Cheap arse Aussie arrives by bus, checks into cheapest hotel in the middle of the strip, and then proceeds to only spend $3 on the pokies the first night. Infuriating to any casino boss indeed.

Furthermore a guy from the bus also decided to check in at the same hotel. So while in line we got talking and agreed he could share the room I had at the Imperial for the first 2 nights. So in addition to being cheap I also took away additional revenue from them. How was I to know I was as a result harboring an illegal. I suspected this, and finally got enough evidence just as he was leaving.

Anyway highlight of the Vegas leg was the tour of the Grand Canyon. The tour started at 7am and thanks to a delay on the way back returned at 1am. There was an accident just as we got back to the Hoover Dam about 8pm which closed both lanes of the highway. We had to divert back to the last town 2 hours back, and then detour an alternative way 2 hours. Other than that the tour was great.

Other than that Vegas is all about the money. Got it they love you. If you don't... oh well. My last 2 nights were spent at the Treasure Island. This was really cool be it above the budget. Advantage was as a result I got entry into the nightclub at the hotel free, which also overlooked the Sirens of TI stage show.

Oh well at least I was't paying for the expense of the Wynn or Bellagio. Wow!

Friday, August 03, 2007

In Salting the locals in Salt Lake.. nah not really

Stopped in at Salt Lake lake week after Reno Tahoe. Might I just say that the bus ride is an absolute bore. Wow there was nothing in between. Luckily it was night time and hence time for sleeping. Although I'm still working on that ability to sleep well on the bus.

Salt Lake was really good. Contrary to the concerns scheduling 3 nights would be too much in such a 'quiet' place I did find it the right amount of time. Well it helps I have a good friend in SLC. And well now I have even more links to SLC having met some friends of his.

The most memorable highlight of SLC was the Timpanogos Caves National Park. We did a walk the first day due to the cave tours being sold out but made tracks back there the next day. The caves were awesome, but not cliff edges I still get a bit woosy with them. Mind you it was a fair trek up the mountain just to get to the caves.

Also tried my hand at researching the family tree in Salt Lake City, alas without luck, as too our futile search for a decent restaurant on a Sunday night. Ah well. I had fun and that's all that matter.

And to everyone reading this keep having fun at work. I'll slave away at traveling throughout the US here. It's the least I can do.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Truth in Advertising. Reno

Reno. How they came up with the name for this place someone may know, but I have my own theory. Someone mis-spelt Repo, cause this place was filled with nothing once you got off the main drag. There were 'for sale' signs off the mini-strip if you can call it that. Reno is a laughable attempt to re-direct those from Northern California to a Casino other than Vegas.

I knew full well I wasn't going to Reno for the Casino experience. And well the only reason I stayed there and not Lake Tahoe as the original plan conspired was cost. $38 plus tax a night versus $140 a night for what was available on line. Of course Tahoe would of also required the hiring of a vehicle for 2 days. Which doesn't run cheap.

Anyway enough of that, what was it like? It was Geriatric Gambling House after gambling house. Damn every single Camper van/RV has converged upon Reno. After gambling my whole $3 gambling budget in the casino I took the time to just walk around. As I do. I got the reward out of it. I found a really good all you can eat sushi place up the other end of town for lunch.

The final day I took a $59 Lake Tahoe tour. This was to be a much more affordable option than hiring an SUV from the car hire place . Especially when the only vehicles left were a 4-wheel drive, and a convertible.

Now when I say Lake Tahoe Tour most people would assume that it would entail a day of say, Lake Tahoe. In most cases you'd be correct. But no, not with this crappy tour company I was with. The Lake Tahoe tour was yes indeed a tour to Lake Tahoe with photo opportunity stops, but was didn't stay there. In fact we had left Lake Tahoe by 11:30am. The next 6 hours of the tour actually entailed 2.5 hours at Carson City the capital of Nevada, and an hour in Virginia City, and 2 hours of highway driving to and from these cities before returning to Reno. Furthermore the tour's sole purpose seemed to be have us gamble at the Carson City casino. Awe come on, we were staying in Reno, we'd already found gambling. Argh!

Anyway I recovered the trip a bit by walking around Carson City to their state legislature, and then the main street. I had a really interesting chat to the guard in the legislature building on the government process there, and their common existence of the gerrymander in relation to electoral boundaries. Yes, it may have looked like I was time wasting a bit. That conversation ended abruptly when he got called away to attend to a domestic violence dispute on the grounds. Ah gotta love America. Another truely American moment that was.

Anyway next stop was Virginia city. A very tacky touristy spot to visit. They've recreated the whole Western theme along their main street. Heck it's all they've got going for themselves now. The Silver mines went broke long ago, and well it's so dry and barren there is nothing else to see or do. The shops were good for about all of 20 minutes, but alas we had an hour. Of course we also received the complimentary casino bonus coupons as we got off the bus! I wasted a good 20 minutes watching the worst ever production of a western gunfight. We're talking really, really bad. But heck I only paid $4 to get in, and $1 tip. Considering the price paid, and the lack of other attractions, I felt unnecessary to ask for the 20 minutes of my life back.

Anyway that was Reno and Lake Tahoe. It's not as bad as I make it out to be above really. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy walking around and seeing it. It was just how I saw it didn't work perfectly. Oh well. Next city please.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Taking time to sniff the Roses

Yeah sorry about the slow updating of the trip so far but alas the hotels don't have Internet free. And hence I wait until I've either paid for it or a day when I'm in a hostel with wireless Internet.

Well lets start with Portland. I had 2 days in Portland last week. Of course being the rose city I took the time to go and sniff the roses. Which might I just say is quite a bit less then what the locals must be on.

Had 4 moments of 'Only in America' while there.

Moment 1
I was walking down the street past a thrift shop about 9pm at night just after it had turned dark. A couple in a beat up early eighties family sedan pull up and hop out. Start looking through the clothes and other items which had been left as donations for the charity to sort through when they opened the next day. All I could think was awe... when trailer trash go shopping.... Man they were ripping through the stuff like there was no tomorrow, and they were at a bargain sale....

Moment 2 (my favourite)
I decided that being my second and last night in town I would go and take a walk downtown to a bar and have a drink. Being Sunday I knew it wouldn't be a big night, but still, more important the fact would be that I made the effort. Anyways I walked down into town after about 10pm, into the very quite downtown. There is this 6ft 2 well fairly fit black guy on the street just munching down a burger like it was the best thing ever. Being a moment of understanding as to how much that burger meant to him I gave him a smile as I approached. He says a casual 'hey', to which I respond with my automatic 'Hey, not bad, how's your night'. His response, 'Not bad for my first night out of jail'.

It is at this point I realise that he and I are the only 2 people on the street and well there was also no traffic passing by. Exit stage left in a very quick manner, without sudden movements. I can't help but laugh at that as an answer in retrospect.

Moment 3
I arrive at the Greyhound Bus station for my 17 hour bus ride to Reno. Upon arrival I find that Greyhound have increased their security. So all hand luggage is searched as people enter a departures area, much like an airport. Everything goes fine until 6pm when the security guard packs up shop and leaves. No more searching. Why, why... such futility. If she knew she wouldn't be checking all the passengers for that bus before discontinuing the searching why even begin.

Anyway that was stupid but not the moment which sent me into fits of laughter internally. What made me laugh was the couple from Texas. Seriously I thought I had Billy-Bob and Billie-Sue along for the ride. It was Trailer Park moving day and they had everything packed with them for the move. They had kitty, 15 bags of stuff, and even some of the classical packaging, just the black garbage bag. Forget the $2 Hong Kong Shopper, the preferred packaging of Greyhound removalist America is the cheap brand black garbage bag. You know, the one that stretches with the weight of a piece of paper. Hey if you're high class here you use packing tape to secure it. but that's only showing you're a big spender.

Anyway Billy-Bob, Billie-Sue, and their friend Billy-Joe come over and have a chat after we establish that there is going to be a delay. Billy-Joe says a really stupid comment along the lines of so what language do Australian's speak? To which Billy-Bob hurriedly corrects his brethren by apologizing and pointing out that made him sound 'stoopid'. I held back from from just blurting out 'too late,'stupid is as stupid does'. My viewing of Bambi in my younger days really paid off.

(Might I just say reading this a second time imitating the southern accent make it even funnier).

Oh yeah and to top things off I learnt in the conversation that they were moving back to Texas. You see Billie-Sue was 9 months pregnant (yes, not 8), and well she was leaving her now ex-boyfriend to move with him, her formerly ex-husband who lives in Texas. Yes more internal laughter followed as I concluded that they need only send Jerry Springer researchers to the bus station.

Moment 4
They say picutres say a thousand words. This one though says, get your arse outta there!

Anyway here is a few shots of highlights in Portland. And no there are none of the guy in heaven while chomping on the burger.