Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The trip started with arrival into Hawaii

Well as I've only just started this blog let me first start with the trip in review.
There was the Auckland stopover connection.

After which I made it to Honolulu.

For simplicity reasons I'm going to just post the original emails for people to read if they haven't already. Plus it'll help with continuity of the story so far.

Thought I'd just send off a quick email to say hello from Hawaii.
Today was a terribly stressful day.
I got up about 9am. Walked along the waterfront for an hour or so. Did nothing for a bit more.
Oh and then baked in the sun for a while.

The beach is ok. Water was good. Although it is not a surf beach here. and tehre is coral beneath the foot. once you get out into the water.
How does everyone else's day compare?
Sadly though it hasn't been all beer and pretzels. I've had a set back. And I'm not happy. My Camera died. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Yes again. And yes its the camera they just replaced a month ago with a brand spanking new model after the previous one died twice in 6 months. This time though I didn't even get a shot off. It died in transit to Auckland. I took it out to take a photo in Auckland. Never ever buy a RICOH camera. I fear for the safety of any Ricoh staffers I see in the future. Lets hope they have good reflexs when they see a camera hurled their way.
I've now bought a Panasonic camera.
And I'm also having issues with the laptop. Unable to connect to the wireless yet. Beware of dodgy advertising on backpacker accomodation. Wi-fi access means, access to sponge wi-fi connections off multiple hotel complexes nearby at certain times of the day if you're lucky.
Anyway gotta go. Going to take a walk along the beach this evening...

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