Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sights and sounds of Vancouver

After several days of threatening finer weather the day has again turned nasty. Oh well.

Last few days I've been kept busy with applying for jobs, and then showing CJ around town. Then sometimes its just a case of getting out to avoid cabin fever.

We managed to hire some bikes today and have fine-ish weather for the entire ride around Stanley park. But true to form it rain on us as we walked back to the hostel.

In my last post I mentioned that I'd add some more photos. Anyway here goes for those waiting:

First off we have False Creek and the view to Yaletown. If anyone had of subscribed to the Chad Holiday Fund prospectus then the Fund Manager would be making executive decisions from here. Unfortunately the fund closed under-subscribed and the manager therefore still resides at the hostel. The other photo is that of North Vancouver. This area north of Vancouver is where the locals go to ski after work.

On the news front CJ leaves in a couple of days. The Nakiska Ski Resort people haven't responded to me in terms of going and working there. CJ is going to ask around for me once he's there. In the meantime I've been in contact with the recruitment firm. I had a contact to call in Toronto which I called today. She said that she'd call her contacts in Vancouver. And what happens, well it works out that her contacts were the people who had already contacted and interviewed me the other day.

Meanwhile walking on the streets we heard the most unusual comment from a homeless person. 'Why don't you kick me in the balls so I can snap your neck.' Ah such friendly locals.

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