Tuesday, November 28, 2006

There's snow delay like today

We're here in Vancouver. Still. We're not supposed to be but we are. Thanks to Air Canada, and the most snow in Vancouver in over 7 years.

All I can say is watch out for flying spanners. There's nothing like throwing a few spanners into the machinery to ruin the plans. We had it all worked out yesterday afternoon. Not an easy situation when considering that we had to:
- fly to Calgary Tuesday at 12 noon,
- get shuttle from airport to hostel accommodation (which was not booked yet)
- Wed afternoon car hire with drop off in Banff Thursday. We'd drive to Nakiska for the Wednesday night.
- Thursday I start work, while Craig would drive to Banff, return car, pick stuff up off ex, and then stay in Banff the night to catch early Friday bus back to Nakiska.

As complex as it sounds things all worked in theory.

And then Air Canada called with the news. They had canceled our flight. The plane scheduled doesn't like too much snow. Next available flight they could get us on was at 8:30pm. Which would have meant no shuttle from airport. And I also found out the hostel was booked out. Eek spanners

So instead we stay here an extra night, and fly out tomorrow morning. And I checked. The plane is a bigger one. So it's unlikely to be canceled.

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