It seems that every 2nd Australian arriving here seems to spend their first day at the office where there Social Insurance Number's (TFN equivalent) are issued. The others who don't SIN are on their way to work in London after doing a ski trip.
Which leaves the question. Just how many Australians are left back home? Seems that the reports that 1/3 of ski resorts near Vancouver are stocked with Australians is not far off the mark. Every day it seems that another boatload of Australian refugees are off to the slopes.
Perhaps they'll succeed in their quest of finding snow.
Which brings up the other statistic I heard today. 1/4 of all the people who go to the ski fields to work as an instructor or in a skiing related job end up with some sort of major injury. ie broken limbs, knee reconstruction, torn muscles etc.
Apparently between this and the fact the Australian univeristy year recommences in February there are a heap of jobs which open up at the end of January. So if I fail to get a real job here there is always the option of joining the quest to be hauled down a mountain on a stretcher later on.

And for those wondering about the squaller I'm living in. ( Yes Mother I am looking after myself) Below is a photo of the Hostel I'm staying in. A great location. My roommates are some young kids from Sydney. It's their first trip overseas. Anyway they've for some reason come up with the strategy that they can save themselves a dollar 50 by hanging their clothes out to dry in the room instead of using the dryer. Not too bright if you ask me. Nothing drys in wet weather. Their clothes have been hanging in the room for 2 days. They said they've learnt their lesson but still the clothes hang there. I dred to think what the cleaner thinks when they clean the bins and floor everyday. Perhaps I should leave a note to say 'It wasn't my preference to have their underwear hanging out to dry everywhere'

1 comment:
It is fortunate that you have entered the land of stastics, because it appears that over here things are going from bad to worse.
Statically 1/1 emails received from vancover have some reference to you in it.... Thats a wopping 100%.
Though I suspect that you have beaten the curve by injuring yourself PRIOR to going to the ski slopes.
And there is an increased risk of you waking in the night is a cold sweat being attacked by damp "not well hung" underwear.....
Keep on reporting
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