Tuesday, November 14, 2006

And then there was the Hawaii attack

This was the email I sent just after my being attacked in Hawaii. For all to read...
Hi all
Thought I might just update everyone with news. I'm still in Hawaii. Leave tomorrow.

Question for you all? What would you think I was doing Thursday night?
If you answered, spent 4 hours in the emergency room of a Honolulu hospital then you'd be right.

Why was I at the hospital?
Well the story goes. Me and a few of the backpackers thought we'd go out that night. Started at a cocktail bar, moved to a another area of Honolulu. Things were going great.

Well about 1am in the morning our unofficial group leader decided we had to move on as the club would be closing soon. So on the way out I decided to do the touristy thing and take a photo of the club we were at. Outside there was a big samoan bouncer, a id card checking girl, and some random guy standing there chatting up the girl. Anyway the girl decided to be funny and jokingly said, no photos when I started to line up a photo of the club's sign of which she was in front of. So I just moved over and took a photo of the sign from the other side of the doorway with the bouncer in front. I proceeded to say goodnight to them both and walked on to catch my group 20m in front.
Anyway this random guy took offence that I took the photo of the sign and commented 'hey man she said no photos'. I didn't think much of it and just kept walking off. Anyway the group had hailed a cab across the road and I looked back and found this idiot tailing me. After I crossed the road and was about 15 metres from the cab this guy said 'hey man erase that photo'. Dismissing the comment as stupid dickhead talk I just picked up the pace to the cab. All of a sudden he catches up to me, I turn, and he clocked me right on the nose.

Next I know I'm picking myself off the floor and racing into the cab. Everyone else jumped in and we hightailed it back to the hostel with me in the back seated and nose bleeding everywhere. Anyway on arrival I filed an incident report with the cops. The cops suggested I go to the hospital for a suspected broken nose. Incidentally the cop wasn't that friendly. He was a bit miffed we had fled the scene, and I only had a photo of the bouncer and not the perp.

After much waiting, xrays, and stuff it has been established I officially have a multiple fracture crooked nose. This I can't get reset until the swelling goes down. Which means I can't do anything until I get to Vancouver. I also have what is the blackest of black right eye.

The cops doubt they'll catch the guy but will give me a follow-up tomorrow I'd say. I gave them a description, there's not more I could do.

Interestingly the cabbie said the same guy had beaten up some woman a few days earlier. But that wasn't reported.
Anyway that's my news. No photos yet of it. I can't download the pics here from the hostel.
Other than that Hawaii has been good. Visited the Pearl Harbour Memorial, climbed the Diamond Head Crater and just lazed about.
It's been good but for one isolated incident of bad luck.

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