Tuesday, November 28, 2006

There's snow delay like today

We're here in Vancouver. Still. We're not supposed to be but we are. Thanks to Air Canada, and the most snow in Vancouver in over 7 years.

All I can say is watch out for flying spanners. There's nothing like throwing a few spanners into the machinery to ruin the plans. We had it all worked out yesterday afternoon. Not an easy situation when considering that we had to:
- fly to Calgary Tuesday at 12 noon,
- get shuttle from airport to hostel accommodation (which was not booked yet)
- Wed afternoon car hire with drop off in Banff Thursday. We'd drive to Nakiska for the Wednesday night.
- Thursday I start work, while Craig would drive to Banff, return car, pick stuff up off ex, and then stay in Banff the night to catch early Friday bus back to Nakiska.

As complex as it sounds things all worked in theory.

And then Air Canada called with the news. They had canceled our flight. The plane scheduled doesn't like too much snow. Next available flight they could get us on was at 8:30pm. Which would have meant no shuttle from airport. And I also found out the hostel was booked out. Eek spanners

So instead we stay here an extra night, and fly out tomorrow morning. And I checked. The plane is a bigger one. So it's unlikely to be canceled.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

This is not what it said in the brochure...

There's no business like snow business....

Well it's snowing in Vancouver. And not like the travel guides describe it 'as it snows in Vancouver but never settles'. This snow is settled. And it's not stopping any time soon.

And its now officially cold.

And it's only going to get colder cause unless something happens tomorrow I'll be up at Nakiska Ski Resort working there for a while. Yeah, of all things I've ended up getting that ski job. Doesn't pay anything but hey it's not about the money. I'll be employed by the mountain so have subsidized accommodation, and a ski pass for 5 mountains. The biggest issue for anyone thinking of working the ski fields is the accommodation issue. Only negative is that I've been hired as Trail Crew. Yeah, I that means I'll be shoveling snow. Oh well it should be fun, at least for a bit. And I'll get to ski, and ski, and ski.

In the few days before the snow CJ and I didn't do anything extraordinary. Went for a ride on the seabus over to North Vancouver. From there went to Lynn Canyon. Last time I was in Vancouver the park was basically closed due to fires. Got to see the suspension bridge only. This time the park was open and no chance of fires. It was more likely to find local flooding. After stopping CJ jumping off the bridge (see photo) we managed to walk around the canyon park, and get lost in the process. No idea where we ended up. Took us 2 hours to find our way back to the start.

Anyway thats the news for now. I need to now go shopping. Need to find Thermals, and some good waterproof boots. After all I'm going to apparently be outdoors 90% of the time. Oh joy. And I told them I know numbers.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Nose knows

I thought I'd update peoples with news on the broken nose. It's all but healed. Every day I find it harder and harder to successfully achieve the homeless look. The broken nose with black eyes gives one such a head start.

Last week I went to the specialist here in Vancouver. They weren't so keen on re-fracturing the nose to re-align it. There was a 1/3 chance it'd be back to normal, a 1/3 chance there'd be only slight improvement, and a 1/3 chance of no change.

The alignment is only slightly out up on the bridge. Now that the swelling has gone I can feel the difference. I'm left wondering whether it'll affect me during hayfever season. For the moment it just gives me a whole new point at which the glasses can sit.

If I find it annoys me, or I have trouble breathing then I'm ok to go get it fixed while I'm here. But it can be fixed later. I'm not so keen on the alternative. That being to find a psycho with a right-hook to re-align it.

Anyway here's a photo of the face as it stands.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sights and sounds of Vancouver

After several days of threatening finer weather the day has again turned nasty. Oh well.

Last few days I've been kept busy with applying for jobs, and then showing CJ around town. Then sometimes its just a case of getting out to avoid cabin fever.

We managed to hire some bikes today and have fine-ish weather for the entire ride around Stanley park. But true to form it rain on us as we walked back to the hostel.

In my last post I mentioned that I'd add some more photos. Anyway here goes for those waiting:

First off we have False Creek and the view to Yaletown. If anyone had of subscribed to the Chad Holiday Fund prospectus then the Fund Manager would be making executive decisions from here. Unfortunately the fund closed under-subscribed and the manager therefore still resides at the hostel. The other photo is that of North Vancouver. This area north of Vancouver is where the locals go to ski after work.

On the news front CJ leaves in a couple of days. The Nakiska Ski Resort people haven't responded to me in terms of going and working there. CJ is going to ask around for me once he's there. In the meantime I've been in contact with the recruitment firm. I had a contact to call in Toronto which I called today. She said that she'd call her contacts in Vancouver. And what happens, well it works out that her contacts were the people who had already contacted and interviewed me the other day.

Meanwhile walking on the streets we heard the most unusual comment from a homeless person. 'Why don't you kick me in the balls so I can snap your neck.' Ah such friendly locals.

Monday, November 20, 2006

When trip plans do right angles.

Hey all

Not much news to report here really. Oh, except for the fact I may now end up working the ski fields after all.

Well the issue is to ski or not to ski? This whole concept is due to my frield CJ who until Saturday was at Lake Louise. Basically he's now going through a crisis having had his girlfriend call off their relationship a week into their working ski holiday. Not a good situation so he got out of there.

Anyway it seems that CJ has organised a job up at Nakiska and has strongly suggested I join him. And well I'm now at one of those pressure junctions where I'm just under the gun. The Do I or Don't I? Without there being any harm I've applied. Nothing ventured nothing lost yet. They may come back and say there is nothing suitable for me and they're not interest.

Meanwhile for all you back home just to make you jealous, we're having to drink bottled water. There has been too much rain which has over run the water supplies and made it a bit muddy. So a boil water advisory was issued. It's been in effect for nearly a week now.

In vancouver here I've been avoiding the rain. Of course I've adopted a cold sniffle and cough. I look at it as something my body had to do. Get the first cold it could find to adjust me to the conditions.

On the original plans for staying in vancouver side of things I had an interview the other day. That went ok. But it was for temporary accounting positions. Who knows when they'll call with a suitable position or even any position. Plus I'd rather get in with a fund manager type firm not a small manufacturing firm. Problem is Vancouver isn't Toronto, and I don't have any Canadian experience. So for the moment I'm open to everything.

Aside from that I've been walking the streets of Van whenever we get a fine patch. I'll post some photos later for you all to see.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

I have SIN'ed. Now I need to look for work

SIN'ing is a hobby of the backpackers who arrive here in Vancouver.

It seems that every 2nd Australian arriving here seems to spend their first day at the office where there Social Insurance Number's (TFN equivalent) are issued. The others who don't SIN are on their way to work in London after doing a ski trip.

Which leaves the question. Just how many Australians are left back home? Seems that the reports that 1/3 of ski resorts near Vancouver are stocked with Australians is not far off the mark. Every day it seems that another boatload of Australian refugees are off to the slopes.

Perhaps they'll succeed in their quest of finding snow.

Which brings up the other statistic I heard today. 1/4 of all the people who go to the ski fields to work as an instructor or in a skiing related job end up with some sort of major injury. ie broken limbs, knee reconstruction, torn muscles etc.

Apparently between this and the fact the Australian univeristy year recommences in February there are a heap of jobs which open up at the end of January. So if I fail to get a real job here there is always the option of joining the quest to be hauled down a mountain on a stretcher later on.

The weather here has been horrendous the first few days. It's been raining buckets at times, and just cold and gloomy the rest. Today we finally had some relief. Enough for me to take a decent walk down the street towards the westend side of town. The photo above is that of English Bay. On the westside of town where I walked to. I'm not to sure where I'll end up but this is a possible region I'll be looking to find a share apartment. But I won't be looking until after I find a job.

For those wondering if its cold, check these photos out. It's a temperature sign along the street. Yes that is correct it was a nice 7 degrees at 2:15pm this afternoon. Thats after the weather decided to clear up a bit this afternoon. Just makes me look forward to winter really :)

And for those wondering about the squaller I'm living in. ( Yes Mother I am looking after myself) Below is a photo of the Hostel I'm staying in. A great location. My roommates are some young kids from Sydney. It's their first trip overseas. Anyway they've for some reason come up with the strategy that they can save themselves a dollar 50 by hanging their clothes out to dry in the room instead of using the dryer. Not too bright if you ask me. Nothing drys in wet weather. Their clothes have been hanging in the room for 2 days. They said they've learnt their lesson but still the clothes hang there. I dred to think what the cleaner thinks when they clean the bins and floor everyday. Perhaps I should leave a note to say 'It wasn't my preference to have their underwear hanging out to dry everywhere'

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I went to Hawaii and all I got was a this crappy pen.. and a Black Eye

Well the news is I'm in Vancouver.

And with the arrival into Vancouver comes the good news I have better internet access to write to people.

And more importantly ability to post photos of the trip so far.

The first photo is that of Hananuma Bay. It's the prime snorkeling spot of Honolulu. A short 30 minute bus ride around from Waikiki. We visited here the day before I left. Yeah I snorkeled with the broken nose.

It was only slightly uncomfortable to do so. There was no way I was letting the nose finish off my stay in Hawaii.

The second photo is that of the Pearl Harbour memorial. The Americans have made the memorial a national park. Or well its run by the national parks service. Therefore its actually free. The memorial was a picture presentation and then boat ride out to the site where the Arizona sunk. All free. I like free.

This was about an hour long bus ride out from Waikiki. Good for the fact it only cost $2 to get there. Bad for the fact it was an all stops bus.

Other than that I also happenned to climb the Diamond head Crater. Or well from the park base. This was a interesting moment. We were waiting to catch a bus to the park when a stretched limo driver pulled over and offered a ride to the park for a fairly cheap fee for the 3 of us from the hostel. Actually if you were to get this limo normally you'd be a bit disappointed. It's seen better days. Although it might be the same original owner, it is also in original condition. But hey who can say they've gone to a national park in a stretch before.

This photo smaller photo here is at the top of Diamond Head. In the photo is Jason (from Arizona), and Alexa (from California). A few of the good people I met in the Waikiki hostel.

And before I go, the photos you've all been waiting for. The photo that caused all my problems, and me with broken nose.

Oh yeah. Forgot to mention. The pen came from the policeman reporting the assault. As I had blood on me and I had to sign something he had to leave me with the pen.

And then there was the Hawaii attack

This was the email I sent just after my being attacked in Hawaii. For all to read...
Hi all
Thought I might just update everyone with news. I'm still in Hawaii. Leave tomorrow.

Question for you all? What would you think I was doing Thursday night?
If you answered, spent 4 hours in the emergency room of a Honolulu hospital then you'd be right.

Why was I at the hospital?
Well the story goes. Me and a few of the backpackers thought we'd go out that night. Started at a cocktail bar, moved to a another area of Honolulu. Things were going great.

Well about 1am in the morning our unofficial group leader decided we had to move on as the club would be closing soon. So on the way out I decided to do the touristy thing and take a photo of the club we were at. Outside there was a big samoan bouncer, a id card checking girl, and some random guy standing there chatting up the girl. Anyway the girl decided to be funny and jokingly said, no photos when I started to line up a photo of the club's sign of which she was in front of. So I just moved over and took a photo of the sign from the other side of the doorway with the bouncer in front. I proceeded to say goodnight to them both and walked on to catch my group 20m in front.
Anyway this random guy took offence that I took the photo of the sign and commented 'hey man she said no photos'. I didn't think much of it and just kept walking off. Anyway the group had hailed a cab across the road and I looked back and found this idiot tailing me. After I crossed the road and was about 15 metres from the cab this guy said 'hey man erase that photo'. Dismissing the comment as stupid dickhead talk I just picked up the pace to the cab. All of a sudden he catches up to me, I turn, and he clocked me right on the nose.

Next I know I'm picking myself off the floor and racing into the cab. Everyone else jumped in and we hightailed it back to the hostel with me in the back seated and nose bleeding everywhere. Anyway on arrival I filed an incident report with the cops. The cops suggested I go to the hospital for a suspected broken nose. Incidentally the cop wasn't that friendly. He was a bit miffed we had fled the scene, and I only had a photo of the bouncer and not the perp.

After much waiting, xrays, and stuff it has been established I officially have a multiple fracture crooked nose. This I can't get reset until the swelling goes down. Which means I can't do anything until I get to Vancouver. I also have what is the blackest of black right eye.

The cops doubt they'll catch the guy but will give me a follow-up tomorrow I'd say. I gave them a description, there's not more I could do.

Interestingly the cabbie said the same guy had beaten up some woman a few days earlier. But that wasn't reported.
Anyway that's my news. No photos yet of it. I can't download the pics here from the hostel.
Other than that Hawaii has been good. Visited the Pearl Harbour Memorial, climbed the Diamond Head Crater and just lazed about.
It's been good but for one isolated incident of bad luck.

The trip started with arrival into Hawaii

Well as I've only just started this blog let me first start with the trip in review.
There was the Auckland stopover connection.

After which I made it to Honolulu.

For simplicity reasons I'm going to just post the original emails for people to read if they haven't already. Plus it'll help with continuity of the story so far.

Thought I'd just send off a quick email to say hello from Hawaii.
Today was a terribly stressful day.
I got up about 9am. Walked along the waterfront for an hour or so. Did nothing for a bit more.
Oh and then baked in the sun for a while.

The beach is ok. Water was good. Although it is not a surf beach here. and tehre is coral beneath the foot. once you get out into the water.
How does everyone else's day compare?
Sadly though it hasn't been all beer and pretzels. I've had a set back. And I'm not happy. My Camera died. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Yes again. And yes its the camera they just replaced a month ago with a brand spanking new model after the previous one died twice in 6 months. This time though I didn't even get a shot off. It died in transit to Auckland. I took it out to take a photo in Auckland. Never ever buy a RICOH camera. I fear for the safety of any Ricoh staffers I see in the future. Lets hope they have good reflexs when they see a camera hurled their way.
I've now bought a Panasonic camera.
And I'm also having issues with the laptop. Unable to connect to the wireless yet. Beware of dodgy advertising on backpacker accomodation. Wi-fi access means, access to sponge wi-fi connections off multiple hotel complexes nearby at certain times of the day if you're lucky.
Anyway gotta go. Going to take a walk along the beach this evening...

Starting a Blog for this Canadian World Tour

Hey All,

After encouragement I'm changing over my writing style to a blog instead of group emails.

If you'd like to keep up with my travels then may I recommend that you select to subscribe to the updates. That way you'll get emailed notification when I've posted an update.

Anyway enjoy.
