Saturday, June 16, 2018

Greenwich Means Time

So I was back in London just for little over 24 hours. Importantly I used this time to catch up with a friend. One who over time I see every few years.

Hence it seemed fitting that we went out to Greenwich to walk around spending some time. But more importantly I visited the line.... Where longitude is counted from. Technically time is what it is. But Greenwich Royal Observatory is that special spot where time means a lot more. Where longitude is 0. And hence why we refer to worldwide time by Greenwich Mean Time. Interesting you'll also find at the observatory the gauge by which a British yard of rope is measured. But a yard today just isn't the same as it used to be.

Around Greenwich there were quite a few things to do. The walk under the Thames wasn't visually inspiring. However to thing this was build so long ago it's an amazing piece of engineering. It also served as a safe haven during the Battle of Britain. Like the tube. The Cutty Sark and Navel museum as also there for those interested in doing a tour. However I was more just enjoying from the outside, and from the window of a bar across the road.

Regarding the walk under the Thames over to the Isle of Dogs. No dogs were found, nor harmed in the filming of the summary of the day. However we may have muttered "get off your bike", or wished a skateboarder an unfortunate fall as they went through the tunnel.

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