Finally all the way at the top, at Ravello, the call came out from a fellow colleague that we had indeed done the equivalent of a 94 story building. In just 2 hours or so. Arrival into Ravello was greeted without the fanfare of having completed a building stair climb. Locals were busy getting on with their Saturday. Inside the church flowers were being placed for an afternoon wedding. The public square wasn't upon arrival buzzing with tourists. It was too sunny for them to be up here away from the beach. The place was littered with a smattering of tourists without signs of being over run. It left the town with an air of exclusivity. This was were the people in the know would go. You could go into the cafes overlooking the edge down to the coastline below without being hurried along. The place was picture perfect with clean lines and paths ready for an onslaught of buses in summer. But they were not here, not on this day.
Walking through Ravello we made it to the viewing point to remember. This was after all our final view of the whole region. We took it in. Visually surveying our accomplishments of the past few days.
After lunch and a bit of a walk around it was time to accept the laws of gravity. What goes up must come down. Fortunately there was a means to return without a complete repeat of the path. However the reality was that this path although quicker and straighter than our ascent was also tougher and steeper than the climb. A step down may seem okay. But when they seem to design it all with a step and a half down every time you start to feel it on the knees after over a 1000 stairs. Needless to say the walk up was prettier. The walk down was about efficiency.
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