Thursday, January 23, 2014

Extending the day.

Off I am again on another trip to be everywhere.

This time around I organised to make use of my leave by extending the 1st day off. Friday! Wow what a long day that was.

Flight left Brisbane at 2:30am. Managed to fend off initial muffin on boarding. I guess airlines have to been seen to provide a meal at whatever time they get up into the air. But for me the goal was sleep. So yes indeed I can confirm I got next to nothing.

Importantly I became the poster child for in flight exercise and water consumption. Once is enough for me and DVT.

Singapore refuel went without hitch. I got my coffee and re-boarded. And then connection in Dubai was tight again. I managed to walk straight from transit over to boarding gate with 10 to wait. Less than the refuel stop!

I did manage to find sleep on the last leg. I guess I mentally knew I needed it.
Flight into Lyon arrived at 7:40pm. And this was where the fun began.

Plan was to meet at 9:30pm in Grenoble. By the time I left customs it was 8:15pm. Instead of taking the easy option, a bus, I instead arranged to hire a car. Nothing like driving after a 26hr flight. At night. On the other side of the road. Luckily there was an automatic car available. My booking had been apparently only "preferred" not "definite" auto.

The drive after I found the highway was easy enough. Only thing I learnt was French are crazy fast drivers. 130 speed limit. Whoa! I was comfortable with 110 thank you very much.

On entering Grenoble I kinda lucked into the SNCF station. Right at 9:35pm. 5 min late. Good by my standards.

Alas I didn't fill my passengers with confidence in the 5 min drive back to where we were staying. But we were alive. Left is still left when driving on the right.

And I finally got real sleep at about 11pm local time. Nothing like having sleep after a 30hr something day.

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