Thursday, March 29, 2012

There's a happy Ü in Münster

I was extremely happy to make it to Münster. I had just gone several days without seeing a familiar face, and well there was always that risk that my typing when I booked my rail ticket on the Dbahn was going to Munster. A lot of difference those little eyes above the u make. For future reference you write it by pressing "ALT" + "0252".

Münster may seem an usual first stop for most when traveling to Germany. But I was there for a reason. To catch up with my former flatmate Lina. All through the planning stages of my trip I had been asking Lina questions, and then not sending any updates for days and weeks on end. So I guess she was fairly sure I was arriving.

The best thing Lina did for me. She didn't recognise me immediately when I got to the station in Germany. Her reaction after realising it was me approaching her rapidly was "wow, you're so tanned". Yes I know tanning is bad etc. But for a really really white guy with Scottish-Anglo Saxon skin, who has reflected light in photos all his life, that is a great compliment to hear. I'll take it.

Anyway Münster is where Lina works, or well studies at the university. Growing and killing plant cells in a biology lab. And before even leaving Australia Lina had drummed into me that I'd be visiting here. I had been told it was a beautiful city, and well it wasn't negotiable. I was going to Münster end of story.

First stop after dropping the bags off was off course to get a German Beer. Nice hey! And not just any beer I had. It was a Franziskaner Weissbeir. My favourite. And it is normally expensive in Australia. But not in Germany. From a corner store its not! So cheap!

Anyway after catching up the first night I was left to explore Münster during the next day. The city did have one of those disturbing German Lutheran Churches where they hung people in little metal cages up high for all to see. Eventually the person would die, and be eaten by the birds. A sort of "this will happen to you if you don't convert to Lutheran" display. Such lovely people in the 1500s they were. Without boring you all to tears with history Münster played an important piece in the negotiations of the end of the "Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)".

Since then, I'm not sure what Münster has contributed outside of beer. As at night I was taken to a traditional German Brewery, or well restaurant of the area. Pinkus Müller Brewery. Again awesome beer!

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