Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A weekend of watching live food porn

Interesting title you may say. But if I tell you what I doing then you may understand.

No it didn't actually involve any nudity and food in a scene for adults only. I spent the Saturday at the 'Eat Vancouver' Festival at the BC Place. ie A big food festival in the big stadium where they hold the Canadian Football League games. (which incidentally are starting soon)

Now one thing I wont deny, my attraction to food. I love food, food loves me. And then food also hurts like any love I've known. In this case it exacts its revenge upon me by making me fat, whenever I try to love it too much. So therefore I struggle through life attempting to get a balance in our relationship.

Food Porn is by definition where you sit and watch food being prepared, mesmerised by the food drooling at the end. Most times it involves some tv show and a celebrity type chef. I can't deny to anyone that I've not sat there and drooled over the food prepared on a Jamie Oliver episode. Heck Iron Chef is still always good viewing. Not only for the bad dubbing. Well Saturday was just a live version of this.

So needless to say on Saturday I was the kid in the candystore, eyes beeming, and my mouth going Wow. And it wasn't just from seeing the size of the stadium. Food everywhere. As sad it was I managed to spend over 5 hours at the exhibition. Over 30,000 people pass through the gates over the weekend so I wasn't the only one. By the end of it I had watched a Barbadian Chef prepare food, completed a local cheese tasting session, tried every sample in sight around the stalls, and even enjoyed a Japanese Sake tasting. Not bad for a day where I originally had nothing planned.

Now that I have overindulged in food again I now dare not tell the body what I have planned for it in the near future.

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