Saturday, May 05, 2007

Nakiskans, Canucks, and exploring the surrounds

I'm still alive. Ok so I haven't written an entry for nearly 2 weeks. I was building suspense, or well building a list of things to write home about.

Towards the end of April I was coming to an end of everything. The working contract was due to end, my room-sitting situation was to finish with the return of the missing flatmate to Vancouver, and an end to the ski season was here. But true to form everything has sorted itself out, but for the snow situation.

The contract has again been extended. This should take me through to the start of July. This is good as I won't need to find another contract before I start traveling non-stop until my return home. I am comfortable with my surrounds in the office, and the people in the office are great. The role itself is still extending further and further as I go. I admit at times I am concerned it's not quite the experience I expected in coming to Canada, but in reality it's a great fit to my needs of the moment, and still providing me with valuable experience.

I'm also here in the apartment at least for another month. The girl I'm room sitting for hasn't returned to Vancouver yet. There is chance she may never do so, but that's not my concern. My concern was a place to live while working here. So lucky for me I've been able to stay at least for May. I'm unsure about June, but hey we've barely started May so have plenty of time. For the moment I'm making use of the access to a kitchen, so I'm eating too well, and more importantly am not living out of a suitcase still.

Yes the snow has gone. I'm mean, sure I could go skiing on Blackcomb at Whistler again, but alas I'm now thinking I should let it go having ended on a high note. Which brings new direction to this trip again. What to do over the weekends. Where to go, what to see. Plan from here is the weekends away.

We've got a long weekend in May coming up. So that might be my return to Vancouver Island weekend. Last time I visited Canada I spent only a day on Vancouver Island at Victoria. This time I want to visit Tofino a 6 hour bus ride away. Other weekends I'll just plan trips around. I might do Victoria again, go to Seattle again, and then take a weekend to Kelowna visiting some of the Nakiskans who've ended up there for the summer.

Past June is still a long way off, but plans are still there in concept. A road trip through the Western USA with my mate CJ. Which only brings the point, CJ if you're reading this, remember you're saving money for this road trip. CJ has taken a trip to Mexico after the ski season, and is now on Toronto searching for a job to get him by, and back eventually to Vancouver ready for our departure in July. Destinations are yet to be established.

Anyway that's the concept. Details to be filled in later. Details of the US part of my trip are at least more detailed than the European section. If anyone wants to join the US trip, then all I can say is 'seats are limited'. And as for the European section, I'm still open to suggestions.

The past 2 weeks have been filled with day trips to other ends of Vancouver, and the occasional visit from other friends from the days at Nakiska. And that's the image I'll leave people with. Last weekend I took a trip out to Steveston. No not a place that worships my brother Steve, but a small historical village to the south of Vancouver. The village was the location of a major Salmon Cannery. Now it is the location of a boardwalk for the tourists, with a great place to enjoy outdoor restaurants. The also have a cannery museum, and historical area of old buildings to walk around.

The boardwalk was great for the fact I got out in the sun. One enjoys the sun when it consistently rains a few days every week. As you can see from the photo it was a really fine day at Steveston.

Other than that I had friends from Nakiska here during the week. Nicole, one of my flatmates at Nakiska was in town organising her visa for her camp programme in the US starting in a few weeks. She's already left for Seattle. I showed her around a bit. We took the ride around Stanley park, and walked the rest of Vancouver. Then last night I had Manu, one of the ski patrol guys pass by for a drink.

Yes this last photo is one of the tulips. Nicole being a former florist had this thing for stopping and photographing the tulips. They are in full bloom at the moment and look awesome. I just had to add this photo cause they were so colourful.

Oh, and the final thing to mention is that the Vancouver Canucks are out of the playoffs. They lost to Anaheim in the 2nd round of the playoffs. Which I will add is way further than Toronto got.

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