Sunday, June 18, 2017

It's Seville. No Bull

So Day 3 of my Iberian Adventure. It was time to leave Vitor and his old style guesthouse of Lagos and move onto Spain. Starting with the extremes of Seville. Alas it was over 40 degrees on our arrival into Seville. Can't fault Spain for living upto expectations in terms of heat.

Straight up must admit my only disappointment of Seville was not not seeing our Italian bus driver Davide perform the Barber of Seville Opera. After all he had been introduced by Morgane our tour leader as having been a classically trained opera singer in his youth. Davide if you read this there is still time to shine! Perhaps watch this clip from my childhood as training Rabbit of Seville .

Okay jokes aside it was not an opera we were here to see. First up was a visit the the iconic Plaza de Espagña. 20 minutes in 40 degree heat didn't give it justice. But it was a bit further out from the centre of town where we were staying, and was a must see. Hence why we were transported straight there first. 

From there it was onto our hostel accommodation for check in. As we would get to learn our hostels on the trip would be great for their central locations. But it also meant often we'd hop and there would be a 200m or so walk down winding cobblestone streets through historical centres to go. Upon check in we had 2 hours before our walking tour. I straight lined it for the Bull fighting arena. And score! Being a Monday afternoon it was free entry after 3pm. Winner winner chicken dinner. Heck I still would have paid even if it wasn't free. But I'll take any win. Tour was fantastic. Gave the historical background of bull fighting, it's most famous performers, and it's development. I like the historical story of it all. Just hate the fact it's inhumane and should be stopped. What's wrong with letting it live a happy life like a Bugs bunny bull fight.

Seville's walking tour gave us the start of what would be an introduction to the Moorish backgrounds of Spain. I never realised that Spain was such an Islamic stronghold into Europe. Always thought it was only from Turkey that the East and West were divided. We have so much to appreciate that came out of Spain in terms of getting Europe out of the Dark Ages.

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