Saturday, February 27, 2016

High on a hill but there was no lonely goat

High on a hill with a lonely goat. That was my only goal for Salzburg. I had no interest in actually completing the Sound of Music Tour. In fact I had decided that is was pretty much the Sound of me saying "hell no" if offered.

If you want know who was in Salzburg for this movie you need only see the movie room for the hostel from 8pm. There is no doubt that if asked probably 75% would say it's a completely true story. The movie has though provided great entertainment, and a means for learning English for many. It was interesting to see that a movie unknown by Germans and Austrians so well revered by Chinese and other Asian travellers.

Although I did not find a goat I did complete a walking trek up the hill towards the castle via stairwells and other paths.

And most importantly in the afternoon I completed the most important goal. Augustiner Brauhaus. I actually arrived at 2:30pm to find it not open until 3pm. When I returned at 3:15pmI found half the place full. Locals take this place seriously. You grab a stein from the rack on the side (full or half) and then line up to pay. Make sure you clean your stein before then handing your ticket to the barman who fills your stein. I was there during the winter strong bier season. Half was enough for me. Especially as it was breaking my beer fasting due to the cold I had caught. The strong bier was to do me well. Word is they fill it with extra nutrients for lent.

After the beer I got some pork and potato salad, sat down to eat and drink for a while in the 3rd hall. Hall 1 was smoking and Hall 2 was full. My hall barely had any unbooked tables. It did though have a very full Australian tourist who forgot how much his stomach shrinks when he's in tourist mode.

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