Friday, February 19, 2016

International Regifting

A while back I had a couchsurfing guest. When she left she had so much stuff that she wanted to leave behind a gift she had received from a person in NZ. For someone not travelling the gift would have been fine. However to a 20 year old backpacker, with a full backpack, with months of on the road travel through Asia it was just awkward. I guess it was the thought that counts. Carrying around a glassware table display I incorrectly referred to as "the tooth" was not going to happen. She instead attempted to gift the piece onto me. Instead of accepting the gift I promised instead to deliver it to her in Germany on my next visit. After all she is Blonde, and German. And yes as you all know this means I would do anything for her. It is why I'm not a 007 international spy.

Finally I have completed the mission. She asked I not tag her on facebook. She wasn't as excited to have a photo with the sculpture as I was to take the photo. Featuring on my travel blog is totally different!

My first re-named coffee for this trip. Chan!
We had a great day. Walking around Frankfurt. I had seen Frankfurt before. But for some strange reason I suspect I missed some of the historical points. Easy to do in Europe. Go left and you find nothing. Go right and you find marvellous architecture and a grand historical square.

 The evening was devoted to another couchsurfing catch up. Interestingly it had been 4 years since I had hosted the girls. One is now a qualified pilot and a the other an IT consultant. Wowsers. So good to see them all grown up. And well they did catch me out on my memory of what I had done with them etc. At least I took them to Max Brenner. I got that right. And they still remember.

This is the view back to my hotel across the river which looked at this

Some Tim Tams may have been harmed after these meet ups. All 12 packets I managed to smuggle out from Australia have now been distributed. Somehow backpack still feels heavier by the day.

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