Sunday, February 21, 2016

Budapest in Winter

By the time I hit Budapest my health had me into management mode. With only a week of the trip expended I though that if I managed the oncoming cold I'd be able to enjoy the remainder of my trip.

Alas what I missed out in Budapest was some of the regional delicacies I had been suggested to partake in. Sometimes it was just easier to skip than others. A giant size Nescafe was never on my agenda but the cool weather made it tempting. But I had already tried a local coffee shop that morning to only find it didn't know what a mocha was.

I took an easy option in Budapest. With 3 nights I took a 48hr hop-on hop-off bus. Again. What was I thinking.... previous travels only confirm I've hardly seen a good one of these. And well after 2 days I would say the value was questionable somewhat. But thanks to the included boat cruise option I would say it was ok. I was though disappointed the buses only operated about 6hrs a day on one of the 2 loops. However it was winter and I guess priced reflected the lower availability.

Plus the combination of bus loops enabled me to avoid having to figure out the public transport system. One less problem when getting sick. I also delivered me to a point for which I would never had thought to try but had read about. The New York Cafe Budapest. This place is described as the place to dine in Budapest. Perhaps my Uncle and Aunt had previously given me a tasted for this experience when I travel. Uncle Cliff, Aunty Gwen if you are reading this. This place is your new goal! The cakes, the coffee, the grandiose of an era gone by.

Travelling around Budapest was quite easy. Stick close to the river is a good rule for most monuments, castles, and museums. I can only suggest you do try to avoid this place in the peak of the tourism summer. Winter was a nice time for me in a way to visit. But it was again a city partly closed by the cold of winter.

By the final afternoon I was getting tired. And well I hadn't actually visited a Budapest spa. This is afterall one of the things to do in Budapest, and I had researched the options beforehand. So I chose Gellert Spa. Located in the 5 star Gellert Hotel. From the websites it looked one of the more glamourous and it did not disappoint.

What this photo of the spa does not convey is that you should perhaps try this larger spa first at 27 degrees. Alas I did not. I went straight to the 36 degree hot spa. As a result I was forever the guy trying to walk out of the hot spa to try jump into the not so hot spa. I looked like a big wuss. Would get upto my hips and then scurry out back to the warmth of the other pool. I tried 3 times. In summer the spa also includes some outdoor pools. But at next to freezing the area isn't openned to the public in winter. That I definitely wouldn't have tried.

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