Saturday, November 21, 2015

I'm feeling Hungary.

Well the flight has been booked for nearly a month now... But no decision had been made on where to go. All I knew was that I'd be in Europe in February / March.

I knew I wanted to ski. So I had booked a few days in Austria. The ski decision took long enough. It was finally made on the basis of I've skied France several times. I've enjoyed it. But every time I'm disappointed by the wine experience at these "package tour" destinations. So I thought Austria. It's known for Schnapps. I like Schnapps. So Austria it is! Also in the consideration was I didn't want a whole week of skiing. Body breaks down after 3, and I only have 3 weeks total away.

So for a long time this then gave me a framework. After skiing was easy to sort out. It's only a few days after skiing I leave for home. However before skiing I only was arriving into London and I needed to be in Austria skiing by a certain date.

So after much data collection and indecision I made a decision.

I was hungry.
It was a signal.
Go to Hungary! So I've booked flights.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Singapore Tube

If you ever wanted to see London tube how it should be... Go to Singapore. Feels like the tube. Sounds like the tube. But runs on time.

Of note it's so cheap. I must of used it like 8 times in 2 days and I've spent less than $10.

Gardening leave in Singapore

I don't own a Garden. But I found myself visiting a garden in Singapore. Gardens by the Bay is one of the more recent additions to Singapore. Only opened since I visited last.

If you see an advert for Marina Bay and it shows a bunch of fake trees, that is it. It's really cool. And the air conditioning is too. I only wish I had of visited in the evening when it lights up. The main paid attraction is made of 2 conservatoires, a Flower Garden, and the Cloud Forest. However the giant trees are accessible for free to walk around. There is 3rd paid attraction of a footbridge between the giant trees. But after doing the other 2 I didn't see the point, and rain was onimous at the time.

The air conditioning in the gardens area really made it the perfect attraction for Singapore.

Time to head home for me.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Street Art is the winner in Penang

When I was lining up things to do in Penang I constantly came across this particular street art. I was really interested in seeing it but I wasn't so sure how pronounced it was. All I knew was that it seemed to pop up in photos of Penang. I knew I must be on the lookout when walking around the streets.

Upon arrival I came to realise that the city has adopted this as their marketing to tourists in many ways. It's such a hit that tourist (like me) walk around hoping to find another of the collection. Apparently there must be about 8 or 9. Or well according to the fridge magnets and shirts on offer there are. 

I found only 4, and one that has been removed at the Chew Jetty. Not sure if that is permanent or due to repairs to the building. But it would be a shame if it is permanently gone. 

The art has even spwaned a fake wall art movement. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Masterchefing the Tropical Spice Garden Cooking School

Went to another cooking school whilst travelling. My only disappointment was I cooked Indian not Malaysian here in Penang. People of Indian decent do make a good portion of the population so it is still Malaysian. I did though have my heart set on cooking Malaysian street food. Alas the schedule of the Cooking School was not in my favour. Tuesdays class didn't get the required number of bookings. So I had to delay until Wednesday. Alas Low Season on the island.

Not to worry as I eat Tandoori. By the chicken load. Tandoori, Raita,and Naan was the focus of Wednesday's class. In fact it was better than if I ended up doing some soupy fish dish. Only 4 of us in the class. A couple from NZ, and a English lady cooking for 2 (i guess her husband doesn't cook)

The Tropical Spice Garden has a good set up. They're right up away from the main drag of Batu Ferrenghi Beach. They have a small plot along the main road along the coast but are literally the only thing there but for a basic restaurant shack across the road on the beach. Great for being able to set up their own kind of edu-tourism arrangement with this whole tropical forest educational walk through, and then their focus on herbs and spices that they then use in their cooking school. Well done to them. It takes courage to develop this as opposed to the rest of Penang who have the standard basic food stall, or tacky gift shop.

Anyway my cooking school went well. The Roti with the Tandoori wasn't too tough. I went away happy and full. I didn't offer any of my Raita to the big monkeys outside. Didn't want to be attacked for not warning them it had a strong kick at the end. After all I left some of the chilli seeds in.

Meanwhile I suspect this island is quite the place for Robinson Crusoe's making their way from the rest of Malaysia on weekends. They all seem to have a second home here. There are so many new constructions going up over the place I suspect there'll be noone on the mainland soon.

It won't slow the traffic though. Even in gridlock they are driving erratically here. I know I've had enough of the drivers here now because I told off 2 motorcyclists for stalking me on the sidewalk this afternoon. Both decided that waiting in a traffic jam wasn't for them and sidewalk was free but for me. I just heard them come up from behind knowing full well it was probably going to happen, stopped, turned around to see them, and then asked them if they thought they should be there. For the second one I waited until he backed himself out backwards sheepishly. Screw them I thought. There already isn't a sidewalk half the time, and then for the rest they park on it for pedestrians to be forced onto busy roads. I've done my bit. Hopefully police and the rest of pedestrians around here get to realise that their safety could be improved.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Penang hop on hop off and never see bus

Now in the past I have only done a few hop on hop off type buses. I generally find they are a waste of money. Taking you from B grade attraction to the next.

But I decided to give the Penang one a chance. After all I was staying at the Four Points Hotel. It's more fitting of a 4 star tourist. Yes a step up from my usual 2 star hostel or hotel. I had my reasons. I'm not a sell out. 

Anyway it's a sure sign of padding the itinerary with sponsorship when highlight for stop 18 is only the hotel. And the next 3 stops are the same. Anyway I digress... The hop on hop off buses are ok... If you can find one. 

This morning I got lucky. Walked to the stop waited 5 minutes. Since then though it's been 40mins each time. The brochure says every 20mins as there are 5 buses doing the 1.5hr Beach route. Bus drivers say every 30min. But it doesn't compute unless all 4 other buses are directly behind the bus I get.

It's so bad this afternoon I'm about to mutter the T word... taxi... Notorious here for not using meters. 

Tomorrow I think I'll take the local bus. Less than 4 Ringit it was to get from bottom of island to hotel at top of island. Slow as buggery but I've seen them. Not like this unicorn tourist bus that's costing me 45 for the day.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Names you can't call your Massage Centre

I'm guessing they know.

But really it's not not going to help attract customers if you are located on the beach strip trying to pry tourists away from the night markets across the road.

It ain't Carrot Cake.

So I don't know where it went wrong but apparently this is the correct description it this dish. Fried Carrot cake. Doesn't even look like it contains carrot

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Went to the scene of Malaysian Independence

Had a day to go around and explore Kuala Lumpur. But I've seen KL several times now. So it was more a day of have coffee, do something new, walk around, hotel pool, dinner, and end with coffee.

A big flagpole marks the spot of where the Malaysian independence was declared. Of course the site was also the location of a well renoun Brittish Club complete with cricket pitch. 

From there it's actually not a huge walk to he Central Markets. It may have taken a few trips to Kuala Lumpur but I'm starting to get the layout more. Joined up City Centre to locations of the Central Markets and Chinatown this time. And the monorail has been joined by the trains as an acceptable way to get around. 

The new automatic ticket machines do need work. Accepting basically only one and maybe 5 Ringgit notes. But they're got time to fix those issues. Biggest thing in the next few years seems to be a new train line under the "golden triangle" at Bikut Bitang. It's a pedestrian nightmare and traffic gridlock as they shutdown lanes all around in order to build a new underground station under the main road. I guess it'll be bye bye for the monorail then in about 2017. No longer will one feel like an elevated sardine winding along.

I had to have a Starbucks that night as I didn't know where my next decent coffee could be. Importantly Starbucks had spelt my name right both times.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Go with what you know. Kuala Lumpur

I've taken another short Asian trip. Sure mainly for sanity. Timing was an issue. I tried to it to coincide with university holidays and Easter break. I hit neither. Damn 2014 reference calendars.

Anyway.... I'm now in Kuala Lumpur. Something old before I explore something new. I always feel comfortable travelling here. So much Western culture influence with the diving in and out of Eastern when I want.

For example take this morning. I have already ventured out from the hotel. In search of food I decided to go straight to a giant upscale shopping centre, The Pavilion. I tried looking for something filling for breakfast. Was thinking something with bread... So I got Char Kway Teow. Whoops not even close. But it is my favourite Malaysian street food. I'm now cleansing the palette with a Starbucks coffee. Something is not right with the milk flavour. It's ok. But not quite normal. But importantly I found a great barrista. She got my name right. Corrected her colleague by spelling it to him.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bad couchsurfing guests make me angry on the inside

And the winner of worst ever Couchsurfing guest is.... My recent 2 Estonian guests.

I still can't believe how self centred they were.

After offering last minute to host. Their acceptance came with a request if I could pick them up from the airport. The flight landed at 23:30pm Wednesday night! Not wanting to be up all hours waiting for couchsurfers to arrive and to make a good first impression I obliged. After all they implied in their profile request for a couch they'd bring an Estonian gift.

So in retrospect I guess they saw it as 12:15am pick up by driver and hotel check in.

Then next night I was busy until 8pm. I indicated so and suggested we could go for a night drive of Brisbane after. I returned home to find front door not shut properly. Argh! Quick tip. If you are a couchsurfing guest you triple check their security is not compromised.

They arrived back 8:30pm... Straight onto laptops. I felt like saying "Ah excuse me I'm your host. At least acknowledge me". Not wanting to be rude, and giving benefit of doubt due to cultural and language misunderstandings I still suggested the drive. They accepted. As soon as we got in the car they were straight onto their phone's texting. I've had more conversation out of a taxi driver. Heck I was their free taxi driver.

I took them for 2 hours of driving up to Mt Cootha, and walking tour of Southbank, and a stop at Kangaroo Point. Minimal conversation. Perhaps their English was just that bad. But even then you would try to converse. So I returned to apartment. Screw going the extra stop. I didn't feel appreciated. Upon return home I fished for a thank you at my front door by asking, "did you enjoy?". One replied a blank face, and "yes". But no thank you. Where's my thank you?. Conversation over for the night. They went straight to their laptops before I had even shut the front door.

Okay so by now I was a bit pissed off. So I suggested a meet up in the evening. I suggested being here at 8pm to do something. Perhaps a late dinner out, joint cooked meal at home or dessert. I only heard deftly silence, and the rolling of eyes saying why would they want anything to do with me. They had their free bed. Why do I ask for them to join me in doing something? So I cut the silence with a request they let me know by message. Nothing all day. I returned just after 8pm to an empty apartment. They returned at 9pm. Straight onto internet. Dragging conversation was like dentist pulling teeth.

Ok.. written off by now.

Told them Saturday I was busy until evening. They could join me in going into city at 6pm to go watch Asian Cup Final with friends, and possible meal. That would fit into my plans of going to watch the Football final with friends. It would mean a fun night, with or without them. Arrived home 5pm to find no couchsurfers, and fan left on all day whilst they were out. This brings me to my second tip to couchsurfers. If you're not paying the electricity bill don't waste it.

Went out returned 10pm. Couchsurfers asleep. At least they figured out I had unplugged internet due to storm. Heaven forbid they have to down my hotel rating due to poor internet.

Of course kitchen fairy visited throughout to clean up kitchen sink putting stuff away.

So this morning on check out... I've gone in to request they strip the bed, and put sheets into basket so I can wash... I just got the look of "What sort of hotel attendant asks guests to clean up after themselves".

Oh and they want me to send their new bank cards to them when they go down the coast today. They arrive here next week!

They did though give me a small gift as they left. It felt like they paid me a penny.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Tips for booking a flight

I booked another overseas flight! So now I'll be off for a 9 day short Asian trip at the end of April.

And with this in mind I present to you a random set of suggestions that may or may not help you book your next trip.

1. Don't rule out a night departure straight after your last day of work. If you are concerned about preserving your annual leave, maximising time away, then why not depart first thing. You might even find it easier to snooze on flight after a long day of work.

There's nothing wrong with a flight that leaves the evening after your last day of work if you are packed ready to go. Heck from Australia a night time 9 hour flight may just mean a morning arrival into Asia. Just in time for check in. Or perfect for a transiting flight out in local time zones.

2. Make use of public holidays. These are especially useful as a way of making flights cheaper overall. Remember just because Australia celebrates Easter, or Anzac day doesn't mean it's peak holiday week elsewhere.

3. Consider the destination's holiday schedule. Look to see if there are school holidays or religious festivals in your destination.

4. Cheaper airlines focused on the travel market are usually cheaper on Saturday afternoons, and midweek. People flying off for a weekend away think to do so Friday night and return Sunday. Or if flying off for a overseas trip think their leave can only start Saturday morning. Consider flying Thursday night, or returning Monday.

4. Make use of your weekends. A holiday flying out Friday night and returning Sunday night is still only 5 work days. It is in theory a 9 day holiday. Don't spend your weekend waiting for your flight away on a Sunday.

5. If you are considering cheaper point to point airlines then also look when they arrive into your first landing point. For example I'm travelling to Singapore. Arriving mid afternoon. This opens up many opportunities to go elsewhere without leaving the airport. But then also consider some once a day flights are in the morning. Try not to book a flight that leave you in a feeling of being in a long transit.

7. If using discount airlines and transiting though an airport leave plenty of time to re-check in for the next flight. Sure you may be thinking you're saving yourself an hour. But an hour may be all you need to make up for lost time through a delay. Hence a 4 hour window (and a mental allowance to allow yourself to buy an airport snack or coffee if left waiting the scheduled time) may better than a 3 hour window. Save yourself from the anxiety attack of missing a flight. I've done the Customs Clearance & 1km dash through Dubai Airport. It's not for the faint hearted.

8. If you are using an Asian city as a lunch pad, then fly into one Asian city and return via another. Forget backtracking just to make it a return flight.

9. Make sure you add on the extra days for your insurance. Don't just read off the date your flight departs. A flight departing out of Asia may return the next day. A flight from Europe may mean you are returning 2 days later.

How did I go when I planned my trip. I did managed to fly out Saturday morning so that I can connect elsewhere into Asia from Singapore. And I return Monday morning. For an Asian trip I could go straight to work a little late if I wanted to. If I get sleep on the flight it'd be okay considering the little time difference. But I don't need to skimp that hard.

However I am admitting to a big F Fail. I tried to book for Easter 2015. But referred to a calendar for 2014 Easter's dates. And what is worse is that there isn't even a public holiday for Anzac Day.

Damn it. I wanted to preserve my holidays. But heck I just scored ridiculously cheap flights to Asia. Yeah that is sweet.