Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ode to Jet Asia : Worst Airline in the World

Jet Asia... Stupid airline! They're a joke. And their public relations persons should be shot.

This morning I checked in at the airport here in Phnom Penh for my flight to Singapore. I paid my departure tax or be it, Cambodian Party member enhancement fund contribution, and went to the boarding lounge. Heck I even managed to send off a postcard or two.

Well after an hour of waiting for a start of boarding we get a message.

'"Jet Asia wished to advise there will be a delay to the boarding of the flight"

Then 15 mintues later, "Jet Asia apologises for the flight delay due to technical difficulties in Siem Reap. We expect to know more in about an hour." (Flight was doing a triangle between Singapore, Siem Reap, and Phnom Penh.)

We then start to see the first signs of bad news. Some airport guy talking to a tour group. I then overhear something suggesting the fight was being canceled. Finally we get confirmation. Flight canceled until tomorrow. Jet Asia will put everyone up in a hotel room for the night and fly everyone tomorrow.

The irony is that Friday was my original flight day until 2 days before I left. When they canceled the flight.

I'm stuck here overnight. And I still hate this city. It's dirty. The tuk-tuk drivers are thieves. The hotels are ordinary. And the atmosphere is lacking.

We then had to get back through immigration. Get our our Cambodian Visas back, and political party contribution departure tax, before finally collecting our luggage for a cattle ride back to a hotel they had booked for us.

About now I'm a reaching for my travel insurance policy to read the rules. Read the fine print. It tells me they'll cover $200 of expense for 24 hours delay. Only I know they're a pack of bastards too. So now I'm wondering how I get a confirmation from them that they canceled the flight etc. Sufficient to pass the tight arses paying out.

Oh and it just gets better.

The hotel they've booked. The New York Hotel. It's supposively 3 stars. Yeah back in the 1970s it was. You know when Pol Pot was around. He must of designed it. It had that 'designed by communist dictator decor' chic to it. Original wood pane from the 80s. Heck even the drinks in the fridge were in original condition.

Being Jetstar Asia they only paid for the room, a ride to and from the hotel, and breakfast in the morning. Forget that we were being delivered at 11am Thursday to the hotel. So no lunch, dinner, snacks nothing. Talk about a joke of a airline compensation.

Anyway it still gets better.

We get to the hotel are about 80 of us are standing around waiting for a room. Rumour leaks that they want us to share. "You're F*king what!". You're kidding aren't cha!.

The airline expected people to find a pair. Hhahahaahaaaaa! NO.. not funny.

Anyway I get to the front and they tell me their policy. I tell them it's not acceptable. Myself and another few travellers hold our line. I argue that my fellow travelers are an axe murderer, a thief, and a rapist. Pointing to all 3 with a smile.

Unless the airline could prove to me otherwise, in written format, with personal guarantees that my fellow travelers were not criminals there was no way I would sharing. Jetstar Asia would need to provide me with my own room.

I got my own room. As too the 3 criminals.

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