Friday, April 06, 2012

Dortmund Statues are sick!

Warning: this article contain graphic depictions of Soccer Ball Abuse.

I went on to travel from Dusseldorf to Dortmund. Partly because I was thinking I'd catch up with a former couchsurfer, and partly because I wanted to cover off the whole of the west side of Germany. Dortmund is afterall an important city.

Dortmund was very "new". Just like many of the cities on this side of Germany the allies in World War 2 didn't leave much in original condition. So my experience here was somewhat walking the streets enjoying Europe.

I tried to be cultured by going to the Dortmund U. Their Modern Art museum on the edge of downtown. However I struggled enjoying this outside of one or two exhibits. From there I followed the real culture of Dortmund, the Football. Everywhere you look, everywhere you walk, there was the Yellow and Black. Bumblebee's everywhere. This city was sure proud of it's football team. In the stores you could get everything Dortmund. I even saw Dortmund the dog food.

They even had a Football Museum to commemorate the club's success. So off to the Football stadium I was in search of this football culture.

Alas the visit was not as inspiring as the build up. Perhaps it was the colours. More likely it was the disturbed statue out the front calling me to action. Dortmund "Say no to the abuse of soccer balls by statues". I don't need to explain what I saw this statue doing to soccer balls. The photos below speak for themselves.

It left me wondering just how disturbed are these Dortmund statues. Getting away with such despicable acts to soccer balls. Alas I was too late to save these soccer balls.

But with my now highlighting the dangers of this statue, perhaps, just perhaps, other soccer balls can come out of hiding. I hope the authorities will act now to put this sick mythical statue away. Before more balls are punctured.

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