Wednesday, April 04, 2012

The du's and don'ts of Dusseldorf

The one rule of Dusseldorf I learnt to fit in with the locals was to say "I like Altbier. I don't like Kolch."

After trying the beer I was at least able to say this without lying through my teeth. Sorry Cologne I wasn't just baiting you in my previous post.

However another thing I learnt. Was if you actually play "Menu Russian Roulette" with the chef you'll probably lose. I ordered the "I'll eat what the chef puts in front of me" from the menu. The was whilst out at dinner with my couchsurfing host who had taken me out for the night to introduce me to Dusseldorf. Actually wasn't disappointed that much, although I do hate liverwurst. It was a fun item to see on the menu. It just proves that I don't enjoy all German food.

Dusseldorf is a nice city. It has it's old town centre, the Aldstadt, and all the new buildings. One thing I have taken away from this trip is that in WW2 we didn't miss much. Every city in this region was like 95% wiped out.

Anyway I spent a full day on foot again exploring. One other small highlight during the day. I found a small restaurant which had pork knuckle on the menu. The owner once realising I was "english" was so keen to get me in and eat at his restaurant. I was pleased he had an english menu. Even more so once I realised I had found a german dish I really do enjoy once in a while.

1 comment:

The Ape said...