Monday, March 23, 2009

Nice time for a brisk walk

Last night I was introduced into Mick's (my cousin) world of French friends. Out for a night at the local establishment after dinner in the hotel. Only the 'local establishment of choice' is about a 2km hike down to the next town. Hence instead of walking we were lucky enough to get a ride with an Aussie neighbour.

The night was ok but for the fact I still am not fully converted in time zones, and I'm no longer a spring chicken. So about 12 midnight I was flagging. The opportunity to get a lift back presented itself at 1am which I took. Mick having the next day off decides to stay. Nothing wrong with that.
But here's where the adventure begins. After dropping off some random french people we had collected on leaving I was dropped off outside the hotel. I was so looking forward to bed.

I get to the front door. It's locked.

I go to the side door entrance to the bar. It's locked.

Ahh! Memory is now flooding back to an introductory meeting of the guests in which we were advised the doors are locked after 12:30am, and keys were to be left at reception. Not expecting to return to the hotel by myself after midnight that night I had not gotten the code on the front door.

Ahh! problem. I review the situation:
It's 1am,
1 degrees,
I'm in a french small village which doesn't speak any english,
The whole village is asleep but for 1 bar I know will be open until 2am.
The bar Mick was at is open until 2am.
The bar Mick is at is 2kms away.
I've seen 2 vehicles pass in 10 minutes of considering my situation.

I check the bar. There are 3 people in there still. None of them seem to speak English neverlone look it, and therefore are not the other guests of the hotel I'm in.

This leave the options:
Go to Mick's place and wait for him to arrive.
Go to Mick's place and knock waking up the other staff of the hotel, or his Australian neighbour who was already tired and cranky feeling like people only wanted lifts off him.
Go for a walk to Lanselvilliard 2kms down the road at 1:30am hoping to come across a Mick walking the other way.

Knowing there was always the chance Mick wasn't coming home that night I took the last option. Heck it was only a 2km walk, and I was rugged up in a bright white ski jacket, and my beanie.

So I set out. Best case scenario was I would be spotted by mick coming the other way having gotten a lift, or finding Mick at the other end still in the bar.

Finally I get to the other end at 1:50am. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! It's shut, and there's no Mick.
AHHH. Fish sticks.
In fact a few obsenities were muttered if not expressed with feeling.

I review the situation:

It's now 2am.
I'm 2kms away from the hotel.
I don't have a number to the hotel neverlone expect someone to answer the phone.
There is nothing open now.

I walk back. Or well somewhat take a jog to the hotel.

I bang on the front door. No answer.

I review the situation:

I could try calling the reception and hope someone is on call. But I don't have the number. This would require the emergency brother phone call to Australia, internet lookup, and much more issues. I dismiss the option.

I could try sleeping at micks place. Hopefully his foyer is warm. (altohugh it does small of diesel which is used as a heating fuel)

But wait... there was one more option I had not considered. The back door at the basement.
I walk around, it opens.


Now I can safely say the password is: ********

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