Sunday, December 27, 2020

Western Australia Esperance and the South West Tour

So 2020 was a bad year for most. And well travel was made near impossible thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic. All of my international plans for the year were left in ruins. Fortunately Australia had been somewhat protected from the virus spread. We gradually came out from our lock down slumber to allow domestic tourism. So with international travel helplessly just a dream I returned to domestic tourism beyond that of weekends away and city stays for AFL football viewing. Western Australia was the destination of choice. It made sense for a trip in the peak of summer to the southern parts of Australia. Big distances made a tour company even more attractive. So I called upon a trusted brand Intrepid Tours to provide my tour solution of a short 5 night tour of the South West of WA and added on a few nights in Perth after.

As per normal I've packaged up my travel stories into short videos. Daily summaries for all to enjoy.

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