Monday, July 02, 2018

Finishing the ride. 350kms to Passau Germany

So the end of my cycling trip in Passau Germany meant I completed over 350 kilometres in 6 days of cycling. To some that wouldn't seem much. But think about it and you understand to the average person that's quite a journey. Nearly 60kms a day on a bike seat. Even for me as a casual cyclist it was quite a lot. Especially as I had learnt it wasn't a road bike on smooth flat roads and bike paths as I had become accustomed to back home. This was gravel paths and rolling hills included. Yes hills on a follow the river ride.

Anyway the final day saw me on a larger ride to finish me off. Being the last day I really was looking for places to stop along the way. Not only because I was tired. But primarily because it was the last day and well the whole idea of doing this ride was to explore the smaller towns along the way. Get the experience of the small little places the big tour buses don't go. Stop in the places the locals know of but the tourist don't see.  These were to be the places all my former guests from host were from. When they say "I live near Munich". They don't mean they live near Munich. They mean to say "Munich because it's the only place you'll know that's nearby. Even though it's 200kms away and I've been there only once". I can now say I've ridden the Donau. Perhaps I've ridden closer to their own home town than anyone they've met when I get another German visitor in the future. This will be a great way of opening up conversation.

Around lunchtime I rode into Vilshofen. If it wasn't for the place being just that bit far from Straubing or too close from Deggendorf and too close to Passau it would have made for a great overnight stop. Heck the realisation was one I made it to Vilshofen this place was perfect distance from Passau for the day cyclists like we are back home. You're about 25km from Passau. The cycle was flat and along the river on mainly bitumen surfaces. And off the main roads for all but a crossing entering into Passau. Vilshofen had the nice main street and outdoor summer hangouts. Really liked this coffee stop.

A bit further up I made my final stop of the bike trip. A nowhere town with nothing special. But a smart resident had set up perfectly to capture the day cyclists setting up a little cafe along the river in a quiet spot. Made for the perfect place to get lunch. And well I felt like I had rewarded a local for providing a service I not only needed but valued. They knew their target market, and understood their position along the river. Small communities along the river here didn't always capture the tourist dollar when they had the chance but this place did. Well done to them.

10kms on and I had arrived into my final resting place. Passau. Goodbye bicycle, you had done enough.

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