Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I was a piece of Lion bait!

Kruger national park is where many tourist of the world go to get their real life experience of the "big 5". Lions, leopards, buffalo, elephants and rhinos.

I actually without thinking made a great choice before leaving Joburg. My accommodation on the eastside of Joburg meant I was nearly the last to be picked up before the tour bus departed. My second win was when the tour guide said was my tour was to be me and 8 ladies. The tour guide was quite chuffed to point this out before I even hopped on. 2 Spanish, 2 Danish, a Frenchie, Swede, German, and an Israeli.

First stop of course was obligatory but educational. The service station. I learnt 2 things. Food is cheap. And south Africa loves meat pies. Woo hoo! A fall back food option for this trip with so much road distance planned ahead.

After a 5 hr journey we made our first experience. Hoedspruit Endangered Species Wildlife Reserve. A wildlife park set up with the intention of protecting Cheetahs and other animals. Research and breeding centre for animals. Pretty much a zoo as most animals there could never go back into the wild. Here we would experience our first "baiting". We were loaded into game vehicles in rows of 3 and then driven around. Paraded in front of their resident wildlife like a treat is shown to pets. I even had a cheetah take a liking to my side of the vehicle. As if waiting for me to fall out. Nice kitty!

Each day on the trip would then follow the format. 5 am start and Rack baiting the car with tourist. Exotic meats. Except I had learnt. I took the middle seat. Never on the wrong side, and always one tasty treat away from the lions reach. An adapton to the self preservation technique of "being the 2nd slowest runner".

As bait we were paraded in front of many impala and buffalo with excitement early on. Until we realised they were vegetarian. Interest improved with Zebras and giraffes. But still no takers for the bait.

Night time brought a night safari drive on a private park. This was amazing. We used an alternative seating plan but no buyers for the international menu. Couldn't interest the white rhino with baby, nor the glimpse of the extremely rare black rhino.

At least the Hyena's will think I'm funny and laugh.

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