Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hippos put the Hip into Kruger

Day 2 inside the Kruger Park started with the review of progress. After day 1 in the park we still had Lepards, Cheetah, Hippos and Lions on the list.

Of note it was this morning I started a new hobby buying Camera memory cards. Alas my camera was filling fast. Alas the new card wasn't compatible.

So the focus was cats, as hippos were a sure thing. So what did we find all morning. Elephants of course! Even after a morning break and additional failed memory card we returned to more elephants.

However it was not disappointing. We got a herd of elephants. Including a mother and baby, and 2 adolescent males trying to show us we were getting to close and they were boss. Not as convincing as the day before with the big bull.

However enjoyable it was to sit and watch elephants we had other big 5 to find. Lions. And we had received intel that a pride had just made a kill and were sitting eating only 7kms away. It was the longest ever 7kms ever. Not in just time. However we found them. To our surprise it was an unusual pride I makes. Probably a father and his 3 sons exiled and banding together to hunt. A definite pecking order existed.

From there it was off to the river and our hippo guarantee. Hippos didn't disappoint. Especially the baby hippo. Still you don't mess with hippos. They were though only swimming the whole time.

As we attempted an exit and final animal sighting we did find above ground hippos. Otherwise known as Hungry Hungry Hippos.

And as all things come to an end. On exiting Kruger the last day I found the right memory card. Alas I had other issues now. Low battery.

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