Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Setting and Reaching Goals

When I set out things I wanted to do this trip, there was one item which most people would put at the top of their goals in life, that I set out to do on this trip.

You know the goal I'm talking about. It requires




And Fitness.

Yes thats right

I'm going to go Ski Whistler.

Now don't go denying it. I'm right, I know. No second guessing going on here. Thats everyones goal in life, isn't it. Well if it wasn't your goal then perhaps you should change it. Skiing Whistler would probably a more enjoyable goal to have anyway.

Well this weekend I'm doing it. I've got the bus ticket and lift ticket, so I'm all set.

Where will you be this weekend!

And as a one time only offer. I will offer to buy the first round, after skiing. Open to anyone who is there with me. Oh, you can't make it. Oh well you'll just have to wait for the photos.

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