Sunday, February 11, 2007

Now I'm not so homeless... but

News is I'm moved.

Well I had to move hostels cause the Hosteling International people have a rule regarding people only staying 3 weeks at a time. And before you say but why don't you stay elsewhere for one night and then go back, you can't. 3 weeks in 2 months. I travelled a long way to the other hostel. Across the road.

Not that one would want to stay there permanently anyway. Something about sharing a room with 3 guys doesn't do it for me. Plus when you get the roommate from hell with chainsaw snoring as I've had you really, really get over staying in a hostel.

Well the news is I officially have a place to live. Or well I have a place to live for 2 months. In the worst case scenario I'll be renting out a room of some girl who'll be going home for 2 months. She can't afford to leave the room empty during the time. So basically I'm house sitting.

It's alright deal. Perfect location. But....
Supposed to be moving in March. She hasn't though confirmed dates etc.

Then I've got another place or two still in the pipeline. But considering most places
have 13 people applying... chances are never good.

Sad news is that I may not have a job after Wed. The contract runs out. The firm I've been working for is good. But not sure whether they need me in that role. Role was more administrative. Of all things I've been running a month end reporting process. Seeing that people report their progress and recording it. Noting overdue items etc. Considering people say time management isn't my forte its been good to be involved in this.

I haven't though felt entirely comfortable though. But when am I ever comfortable with a big change straight up. My difficulty has come about primarily because they had an experienced person of 8 years in the role previously. They knew how they could help, knew the people to push (primarily managers), and the business inter-dependancies. This all adds up. Being unfamiliar with the process I've spent the time just pushing people on the process, without understanding the process. At times feeling like I was just a communication tool, less a part of the process. I have also taken the time to document the role considering this was the first month without the missing person, and they really didn't know what information to provide me on the role so that I could complete it to their expectations. This has come about because the person was there so long, and the business has grown so much recently they hadn't really had time to do this.

Its also been an interesting experience for seeing the reporting process in a big corporation. The analysis of the figures that goes on. The incredible amount of meetings people have just to communicate stuff and manage work completion.

Hopefully they can train me in a few of their processes in the last few days. I suspect they if they don't appoint someone they'll not want to start from scratch again with a new person for next month. So maybe I can get a return gig in a week or 2 when they repeat the month end process. (Although now they have a job role description to fill anyone into the role)

The firm has also been interesting for the number of Aussies there too. They've had to get a few of us in to handle the growth. Had an interesting experience where the manager of another Aussie who had just started was nearby and said to him jokingly he's got a hard to understand accent. I had to point out, 'what accent, sounds normal around here'. Considering Aussies out numbered Canadians in the immediate area I was justified.

And finally, another thing about the kitchen work back home would find of interest... their kitchen... wow is it stocked. They treat their staff well. 4 different types of coffee in pots, a cappuccino maker, soups, and hot chocolate all there for the picking... many of you would be in heaven.... oh and a chocolate candy bar machine with subsidized chocolates and chips.... All there in a conspiracy to make one fat. Just trying to avoid evil is a struggle.

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