Saturday, September 06, 2014

Carcassonne Castle

Carcassonne is one of those French cities you don't fully understand the historical importance until visiting.

Now I've seen it on coverage of the Tour De France. So I knew it seemed to be impressive, and the commentators would highlight the castle. But now having visited I am going away appreciative of the history available in what would seem to be nowhere important France. It was actually the French boundary to Catalan. A critical stronghold.

I don't remember ever visiting a city with such a large restored castle and gate before. This is over a square km. Apparently it required 1300 soldiers just to guard it when fully staffed.

Sure the other shops inside the gates are overrun with tourist shopping. But it helps pay the upkeep I guess. 

And more importantly my friends nailed it in terms of finding a great apartment. The view was great.

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