Friday, February 07, 2014

They filled the moat at Hampton Court just for my visit!

Sometimes people have something they do out of habit. For me it's visiting friends overseas.

So this trip I visited London again. So I visited my friend Daz, again. That's how it goes when I travel. If I visit Europe. I visit Daz. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Daz knows me. Knows what I like. So it's not hard for him to insert a plan in place for my visit. Usually a day trip of some sort. Nothing fancy. A bit of history, and a bit of food.

So this time around in London I arrived by the Eurostar. Might I just say what a pleasant trip that was. I left the comforts of waffles in Brugge just after lunch, and was in London for dinner. Even with a train strike crippling London.

 I cannot sing the praises of this method to London enough. By Eurostar you avoid the struggle to get to an airport. Airports are never in a city centre. Eurostar was in the Main Station. And you can check in 1/2 hour before boarding time. I probably saved 2 hours by train, and it cost less too. Might I just add that Eurostar includes your journey from any station on the day in Belguim if traveling from Brussels. So it even saves you a few dollars.

Once in London it was a great stay with Daz and Anna. Just one full day to myself in the centre of London in which I visited Shakespeare's Globe. And then a day of Hampton Court and visiting a long lost friend for dinner.

Of note we really did underestimate the time it takes to complete Hampton Court. Alas the headphones in Hampton court didn't help. You have to hear the whole spiel of every section. It's not so easy to skip a room or description.

We lasted as long as we could before we realised we had to make the maze before it rained. Luckily by the time I completed the maze it only started to rain. Alas it didn't save us though. The gale destroyed the umbrellas we held leaving us with a sprint to the pub.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Hmm more waffles....

A couple of years ago I visited Brugge for 1 night. It was a mistake to only visit 1 night. You can only eat so much chocolate in 1 night. Brugge had too much history, and was too pretty not to return. The fact that it has good waffles, chocolate, and beer only sped up the priority of the return.

So this time around I ate, and drank all I could in the allotted time. Even if lately I have resolved to treat my body better with healthier options more often. This was the less often days of my trip. Gluttony was in control and all hell broke loose.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Was Bonn...

During this trip I took the opportunity to schedule in a visit to Bonn.

In part because it was a return invite from a former couchsurfer. And well it just fitted in better to train from Strasbourg on my way towards Brugge to London.
It had been talked up as a potential visit city also because I had already been to Cologne. I'm always after somewhere new.

Bonn itself was good for the day visit. I really didn't realise before visiting it's importance in the life of Beethoven. But by the time I left I understood how he means everything to Bonn Tourism.

However the highlight for me was actually staying with my former couchsurfer and her family. I did learn how little German I have picked up over the time of my course, and how easily second language knowledge disappears when you don't have any practice. But still I found the experience enjoyable. Incidently this wasn't their place. It's just a historical building from their village. Yes the photo worked out perfectly.

Of note I also found a school near the university. It seems legitimate. Didn't meet any of the students.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Heidelberg has a history.

I did have an adventure getting to Heidelberg. But that wasn't why I was there. Heidelberg has a lot going for it when you're a tourist.

It perfectly situated. The river is a magnificent backdrop to photograph.

A Schloss. Or well castle to us basic tourist not understanding the difference.

And a story to tie it all in. In this case Perkeo. The drunk Italian who helped keep the alcohol flowing. What's not to like about a guy who was involved in the world's biggest wine Barrel. Perkeo apparently means "why not". His standard answer to would you like another drink?

I caught up with another former Couchsurfer in Heidelberg who was able to give me a walking tour of the city.

It was cold in Heidelberg. But what do you expect in January. I didn't mind. Walking kept me warm.