Wednesday, May 02, 2012

German Beer helped me finding my style

Final beer blog of the trip. I'm sure everyone finds beer more interesting as a drinking item... less so as a blog topic.

This entry I dedicate to German Beer.

I enjoy German beer.

Can't say I've really really over indulged on German Beer in recent history. But for me this is because I'm too busy enjoying the beer. I've not always in the past enjoyed beer.

German Beer has helped me find what I am after in a beer. And that is flavour. Australian beers (often lagers and bitters) I've never I've really responded to with a "wow that's a great beer". But in Germany I really discovered "wheat beers" with that taste of lemon. Or a taste of Coriander.

One rule I gained. I'll never say yes again to a really, really malty beer. I'm still traumatised. It was horrible, and non alcoholic also! I've forgotten the brand of it. But I'd remember it if I passed it in the street. It was so bad I left it on the table and bought another.

This trip introduced to me the concept associating these different beers with regions and style. Whether that be Altbier, Kölsch, or any Bavarian Beer it doesn't matter. They all had their own character. Some I like, others I hate.

At least I can now go to a bar to order beer and start to ask the bar staff about their beers in my quest to find a beer in a style I want to drink. Not just the beer which is on tap.

Thank you Germany for your beer. Please send a decent beer brewmaster to Australia.

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