Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Beer. The international language in Belgium

Before I made it into Belgium and Germany there were 3 days  in the UK. Enough time to try a drop at the local.

The week in France was dedicated to skiing. So I drank very little there. Too tired to drink beer most of the time. And I don't drink when skiing. Just in case you break a bone when skiing. You want the pain killers to work for you.

So that meant the next beer photos were from Brussels.

Jupiler was just the introduction. After that I remembered I'm in Belgium. They make good beer.

They make lots of beer.

Life was obviously good.

So then I started to see there were so many beer options available.

Something would have to give.

Then I came across this sign in a park in Brussels. The decision was made for me.

Whew, what a relief.

This meant I could focus on the beer. Without the need to go jogging. Holidaying in Belgium was much simpler from this point forward.

Don't let the fact that I was never a jogger before seeing the sign confuse you. I still gave up jogging.

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