Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hippos put the Hip into Kruger

Day 2 inside the Kruger Park started with the review of progress. After day 1 in the park we still had Lepards, Cheetah, Hippos and Lions on the list.

Of note it was this morning I started a new hobby buying Camera memory cards. Alas my camera was filling fast. Alas the new card wasn't compatible.

So the focus was cats, as hippos were a sure thing. So what did we find all morning. Elephants of course! Even after a morning break and additional failed memory card we returned to more elephants.

However it was not disappointing. We got a herd of elephants. Including a mother and baby, and 2 adolescent males trying to show us we were getting to close and they were boss. Not as convincing as the day before with the big bull.

However enjoyable it was to sit and watch elephants we had other big 5 to find. Lions. And we had received intel that a pride had just made a kill and were sitting eating only 7kms away. It was the longest ever 7kms ever. Not in just time. However we found them. To our surprise it was an unusual pride I makes. Probably a father and his 3 sons exiled and banding together to hunt. A definite pecking order existed.

From there it was off to the river and our hippo guarantee. Hippos didn't disappoint. Especially the baby hippo. Still you don't mess with hippos. They were though only swimming the whole time.

As we attempted an exit and final animal sighting we did find above ground hippos. Otherwise known as Hungry Hungry Hippos.

And as all things come to an end. On exiting Kruger the last day I found the right memory card. Alas I had other issues now. Low battery.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I was a piece of Lion bait!

Kruger national park is where many tourist of the world go to get their real life experience of the "big 5". Lions, leopards, buffalo, elephants and rhinos.

I actually without thinking made a great choice before leaving Joburg. My accommodation on the eastside of Joburg meant I was nearly the last to be picked up before the tour bus departed. My second win was when the tour guide said was my tour was to be me and 8 ladies. The tour guide was quite chuffed to point this out before I even hopped on. 2 Spanish, 2 Danish, a Frenchie, Swede, German, and an Israeli.

First stop of course was obligatory but educational. The service station. I learnt 2 things. Food is cheap. And south Africa loves meat pies. Woo hoo! A fall back food option for this trip with so much road distance planned ahead.

After a 5 hr journey we made our first experience. Hoedspruit Endangered Species Wildlife Reserve. A wildlife park set up with the intention of protecting Cheetahs and other animals. Research and breeding centre for animals. Pretty much a zoo as most animals there could never go back into the wild. Here we would experience our first "baiting". We were loaded into game vehicles in rows of 3 and then driven around. Paraded in front of their resident wildlife like a treat is shown to pets. I even had a cheetah take a liking to my side of the vehicle. As if waiting for me to fall out. Nice kitty!

Each day on the trip would then follow the format. 5 am start and Rack baiting the car with tourist. Exotic meats. Except I had learnt. I took the middle seat. Never on the wrong side, and always one tasty treat away from the lions reach. An adapton to the self preservation technique of "being the 2nd slowest runner".

As bait we were paraded in front of many impala and buffalo with excitement early on. Until we realised they were vegetarian. Interest improved with Zebras and giraffes. But still no takers for the bait.

Night time brought a night safari drive on a private park. This was amazing. We used an alternative seating plan but no buyers for the international menu. Couldn't interest the white rhino with baby, nor the glimpse of the extremely rare black rhino.

At least the Hyena's will think I'm funny and laugh.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Joburg. Where did I go?

The answer was nowhere. That's what most people do when they get to Joburg.

Sadly Joburg doesn't have a great recent history for travel. Everything I read. Everything I heard said "don't bother'. My hostel owner was able to say it was fine to walk up the street to the shopping centre. After meeting others it's not a liberty all hostels can say holds true.

It wasn't an inconvenience. I only arrived at the hostel at 5pm. And was leaving at 7:30am.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Japanese whaling ship plane tour

The start of the trip here in 2012 ha already brought it's own surprise. Even before getting to South Africa. The flight goes via the shortest route. Basically passing within 100kms of Antartica. Quite a thing to see icebergs out the window for a few hours. And when they're visible from 39000ft you know they're big. It gave 5 minute of diversion from the tedious monotony of another long flight.

Alas difn't see any Japanese "science fleet" being stalked by whale huggers.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

New year. New trip. But still a Risk.

I'm back.

2012 finally brings a new holiday overseas. Return of the blog.

I'm not even out of the country and I'm been assessed as an unsuitable risk. I got the bomb residue test at Brisbane!

Seriously I think there were some very nervous party people going through the security gate. Those who arrived straight from the clubs after attending the Soundwave concert last night in the city looked a lot more dubious. Surely the green haired goth in front was checked. Or were they just a misundrstood group of fine upstanding individuals who merely had a rough upbringing involving a nail gun piercing and a permanent marker. My bad.

I think they're just all happy that the residue test doesn't scan all drugs. Or perhaps the Brisbane security were happy to export the problem to Sydney.

Next stop. South Africa.