Monday, July 16, 2007

My ticket to Everywhere

In my works language today marks Day -5. Because in 5 days I'll be out on my new adventure.

At this time I'd like to that the current US Administration for providing some value to the world. That being devaluing the US Dollar to a point where I'm excited. Go that US Peso! It's really quite funny to watch American television and see the talk of it. No longer do Canadians have to put up with being the poor cousin. Soon they can buy them out.

Anyway that chatter is off topic. The current topic, my ticket. Last night I bit the bullet and purchased my ticket to freedom. Or if you read the bus schedule, as I do, my ticket to hell.

First stop isn't confirmed but it still looks to be Portland, as I've already seen Seattle. But first I need to overcome my first obstacle. Accommodation in Portland. Yeah, I hit a snag. After booking the bus ticket I went on to book the hostel to find no availability. Eek! Budget doesn't allow for 5 star hotels for too long. Alas I might be ok, I emailed hostel and they said there is 'limited' room still.

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