Sunday, March 25, 2007

Gee its all happenning here with the sport

Well its been a few weeks since my last post. Reason being nothing much has happened. Except for rain, rain, and more rain. I have reached my saturation point. I'm over rain.

But I knew that about Vancouver when I committed to it. It rains here, and I'm accepting it and moving on. I wish though that it would keep it to the weekdays. For once I'd like to go skiing on a Saturday. After all I did buy some new ski stocks, and brought my snow gear over here.

Anyway this evening was one of the highlights. Another Ice Hockey game. Vancouver vs Colorado. It was a ripper. Only one fight to report. And that was in the first 2 minutes of the game.
Below is how it ended. (Of note this is my first attempt at a You Tube video connection so please understand if it doesn't work.)

Yep that's right Vancouver lost in a shootout.

Anyway to share the excitement of a hockey game I'm also adding the introduction to the games and a few random photos. It's part of the spectacle.

Anyway thats all for now. If anyone is missing me, send money. If not send money anyway. I'll take good care of it. Really I will. Hockey games aren't cheap.

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