Monday, February 04, 2019

Hawaiian Retreat

Sightseeing on Oahu outside of Pearl Harbour
Tantalus Lookout out to Diamond Head

I just took the opportunity to visit my former flatmate in Hawaii for a week. So good to see her. A good opportunity to tick off visiting a friend using a single flight considering she had indicated intention to move back to the USA mainland. It was also so good to fly to a destination without switching flights. I never really connected that the USA can be just a 9 hour and 35 minute flight from Brisbane. I mean sure it's just Hawaii, not the mainland USA. But still it's the USA and the culture associated.

I had been to Hawaii way back. Heck I had an issue with Hawaii. Last time we met at the end of 2006 I had my nose broken outside a nightclub. So I was under strict instructions not to do it again. Well that wouldn't be hard. I sure as heck think the guy who punched me those 12 years ago was a druggie and, at best moved on and grown up. More likely returned to the earth. But anyway I digress. Wasn't in Hawaii to revisit the past. This was Hawaii trip 2019. And my nightclubbing days were over. Especially when traveling alone.

Plan for this trip was simple and clear. Visit my friend, see more of Hawaii, watch some college basketball, and get some beach sun life. And well as I write this post I feel it was mostly achieved. Alas the weather didn't really cooperate in terms of getting a few beach days. Was it the most inspirational travel I've ever completed, no. It was just a week. What was different this trip was the feeling of not being on the move. This trip had only one real stop. Be it I stayed at my friend's place a few nights, and then in the same hotel for the rest. It was still only a short drive between stops. Like staying in different suburbs. Normally over a week I would have moved through 3 European cities, perhaps 2 countries.

Blowing by the Blowhole

Alas my friend had flown out to the mainland for a major interview. Due to the windy conditions preventing skydiving my former flatmate's partner became my tour guide on my first full day in Hawaii. Managed to get quite a bit in during the day. First off was a drive of the whole Western side of the island, which is very local, and starved of tourism. From there it was a sightseeing drive upto Tantalus lookout before a cultural lunch experience at Hooters. The afternoon then took me into the eastern coast including the blowhole, and the Chinaman's Hat (or well the island nic-named this). Can't really say that name these days in the time of social media cultural awareness. FYI official name is Mokoli'i Island according to google searches.

Heading to the North Shore for Shave Ice

The surf at North Shore. How about some wind instead?
Having already visited Pearl Harbor I didn't plan to do the major historical attraction again. My major visit was to be the North Shore. Where the big wave surf contests are held. Alas the big surf if you want to see it is mainly in November and December. Contrary to the tourism brochures saying there should still be some waves at the end of January my experience was no big waves. And there were definitely no tourists left either in the North Shore. Hence giving the place the real feel of an underdeveloped Noosa. Alas the USA needs a backpacker market it give this a relaxed Byron Bay surfer feel. There was no vibe. USA government if you're reading this, can I just say you're missing a big tourism market here. One that fills in the low season, and gets money into the local communities. Even if it was Monday morning on the North Shore there was absolutely noone just chillin' waking up to the new day.

So instead of surf the feature of my North Shore visit was the other tradition. Shave Ice. And yes if I hear anyone else give me the corny "it's shave ice, not shaved ice" statement I could go postal. We get it. No need to repeat it like you're a Scientology member. And yes I watched too many hipster videos before traveling focusing on this in their Youtube clickbait pawning themselves to be considered a glorified monetized Youtuber. Matsumoto Shave Ice was our stop for the traditional venue. And well I would say it had the best shave ice I had during the week away. Others I tried in Honolulu itself were nice for their location. But for sheer spectacle of seeing it made in front of you with the theatre of swishing bottles like a bartender this was the place. Colours on the rainbow shave ice were vivid and spectacular.


Driving on Oahu isn't that relaxing

Another point worth noting of Hawaii is I now understand the need for a car if going around Hawaii. It's a volcanic mountain island with steep ups and downs you need to get around. There is an overland rail network under construction when it will be ready and just how useful it will be is a hot topic for the locals. I can confirm I didn't enjoy the driving in Hawaii. I ended up in an upgraded convertible too big for relaxed driving when still converting driving sides, and terrible to park. The roads were not always that well maintained, drivers were aggressive in their big trucks, and speed limits were never respected on highways. Somehow safety was assumed during all this and I just could not believe these drivers respect the risk of injury they impose on pedestrians or other drivers. Driving seemed too much like "my lane, my speed, so get out of my way".

Relaxing by watching College Basketball and visiting Sports Bars

The following days, after having dropped off the hire car were spent in Honolulu itself. The idea being that I could still catch up with my friend, and then spend the days going to the beach, and then see some basketball at night. Alas the weather didn't play ball. I only had the one day of true sunshine suitable to tanning. My last full day. The other days were therefore spent walking up and back into Honolulu, and around the Ala Moana Shopping Centre where my hotel was. I guess I wasn't so silly booking the hotel next to the biggest outdoor shopping mall after all. Knew it was to be winter and hence wanted the backup plan knowing full well coastal towns can be boring if the beach is out of the question. Co-incidentally chain sports bar restaurant Buffalo Wild Wings wasn't far from my hotel either. Allowing me to sit and watch the NBA live. You can't do that in Australia at night. The bar here became my second feed zone. Cheap if you get it in happy hours. And yes from 10pm until close I found was one... how cool is that?

The diet of Hawaiians I found myself questioning every day. There is no doubt the locals bring up the average in terms of Americans. Alas over eating is probably just as bad as the lack of healthy options. And well the cost of food is always an issue for islands as everything imported is expensive. Now I'm no role model. But these people made me look like a saint. I need only refer you to example one of why Hawaiians are fat. A photo of a snack option for purchase in Walmart. Spam Macadamia Nuts. How to make good food bad 101. Food in shopping centres were often too big and overkill for the needs of an average person. A one protein and 2 sides way off life need not supersize them. But serving sizes were sure to ensure it was achieved.

I spent 2 nights watching the basketball at the University of Hawaii. A men's and women's game. Ironically someone gave me a free ticket to the men's game at the gate. So technically I financially supported the women's basketball program more if you exclude food and drink sales. Alas neither game was very busy even if they are the biggest indoor sporting codes on the island. I had to remember Hawaii is about surfing not normal American sports. Poor cheerleaders had hardly anyone to inspire.

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