Monday, September 17, 2007

I agree with Frankie

I agree with Frank Sinatra. Chicago is my kind of town.

Or well I think its my kind of place in the summer. I don't know whether I'd hold the same view if the winds of the Windy City were ice cold.

How did I get to Chicago? I flew of course. There was just no way I was going to be able to handle a bus ride up from Miami. Flying was a benefit of having organized ahead. A cheap flight. Just how they should be.

After getting into Chicago I barely had enough time to take a walk around before it was time to take advantage of the 'free' activities. Improv Comedy night. Don't ask me where I was that night. We had guides playing a quick game of let's disorientate the tourist. In going to the comedy I did get to pass by Wrigley Field.

Next day was a free tour of the city. Not to be missed by me, the cheap lazy explorer.

Of course no trip to Chicago was not complete without the obligatory trip out to get a photo at the holy site. So yes I've had a photo at the Michael Jordan Statue outside of the United Centre.

Oh and there is this really cool statue in Chicago called 'Cloudland'. It's a shiny metallic structure. But if you're ever there asking for directions it's nic-named 'the bean'. It's not half obvious why. Chicago has a heap of this public art. I had no idea Chicago is so big on the arts. And their Art Musuem. Damn it's packed with heaps of really famous art.

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