Others would have argued we should have just come out and admitted it was to just mark the end of football season. With the end of both the NRL and the AFL it was a big weekend. Heck in Brisbane there was even the end to the Brisbane Festival going on. The big fireworks event for the year! I missed the fireworks.
So instead of thanking the queen, watching explosives, and sitting down to watch football I went for an extra long weekend in Melbourne. Took a few extra days, and a flight down south to see off a German friend Vanessa back home. Somehow I managed to go to Melbourne the weekend of the AFL Grand Final, and all I saw of it was the very wet parade the day before the match.
All that driving to just make it to the Apostles. After making a few stops throughout the day we only made the destination near sunset. The main thing is we made it. Did I mention it was a long drive?
And on the way back there was enough time to stop in at Geelong. Where 3 of 4 statues cheered our visit!